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Recommended to set up a virtual environment and install SWAP and its dependencies inside. You can find more information about virtual environments here.
To install SWAP regularly, run
pip install {PATH_TO_SWAP}
To install SWAP in development mode, run::
pip install -e {PATH_TO_SWAP}[dev,test]
After installing, there are a number of commands available for running SWAP. These include tools to create plots and export SWAP scores to file.
Basic syntax is
run_swap [options] COMMAND [options]
Command can be one of {roc, swap}
To run swap and pickle and save, run
run_swap swap --run
Find more details by running
run_swap -h
or, for more details about SWAP specific commands, run
run_swap swap -h
Pan-STARRS1 Medium Deep training set - Wright et al. 2015
Pan-STARRS1 3pi training set - used to train Supernova Hunters classifier
STL-10 dataset - Coates et al. 2011
STL-10 grayscale mean-subtracted patches - patches used to train sparse filter