The following CSS and JavaScript files have been added to the new Mahindra Humanities Center (MHC) via Open Scholar embed media widgets, to customize a one page theme.
This website launched on June 2020.
- Transfer the original MHC from a non-Harvard managed Drupal platform, to a Harvard managed Open Scholar platform
- Update the visual design of the MHC website to match the styles of printed materials more closely.
- Make the website more approachable, and better showcase the events of MHC through the use of imagery
- Make options for engaging with MHC clearer
- Make upcoming events easier to find
- Improve the overall navigation of the site by eliminating repetitive content and condensing navigational structure
- Custom cards
- Custom typography and type hierarchy
- Hero images on landing pages extend up to the menu.
- A customized Harvard University branding bar at the top of the page, which places the Harvard logo to the right instead of the left of the page, and has a transparent background on landing pages.
- A search bar that colapses and expands horizontally