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提供供应用层调用的库文件,可快速实现Faking BLE(伪蓝牙)的功能(GW32库版本)

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提供供应用层调用的库文件,可快速实现Faking BLE(伪蓝牙)的功能


  • mcu

    • LSD2GW-32LC256
    • Cortex M0+ 32
  • RF

    • 1600


  • Get and set Device MAC address into BLE Stack's memory(RAM).
  • Get and set Device Advertisement name at BLE Stack's memory(RAM).
  • start Bluetooth device with Advertising.
  • ble send data to master.
  • ble device initiative disconnect with master.
  • gets the current bleState.
  • onStartSuccess
  • onStartFailure


  • Ble_pauseSession

Project Organization

  1. ble库文件blecomm_api.lib
  2. ble库头文件 blecomm.h


  1. 初始化: Ble_Init,需要提供一个timer,mcu主频建议使用最大的16Mhz.需要实现一个回调方法,参见 回调事件
  2. 打开模块:Ble_Start.
  3. 在主循环中放置ble事件处理方法Ble_ProcessEvents,调用间隔建议不小于20ms.
  4. 在提供的timer中断服务中放置Ble_BackgroudProcessble协议调度方法.
  5. 使用其他主要方法进行和master的数据交换,断开连接,关闭模块.
  6. 回调事件中,可获取ble事件信息.


  • spi.cspi.h需要实现四个接口供ble库,需要实现的是三线的SPI:
    1. spi_init
    2. DrvSPI_SendByte2PHASE
    3. DrvSPI_ReceiveByte2PHASE
    4. Chip_Reset



* Function Name: Ble_Init()
* Summary:
* This function performs will initialization RF chip and ble stack,
* \param TIMER_TypeDef* TIMERx:  ble stack need use one stack timer to working.
* \param IRQn_Type TIMERx_IRQn:  initial timer with interrupt interval is 10ms.
* \param uint32_t clock:   cpu main clock, it recommend mcu clock is HSI_VALUE.
* \param BLE_CALLBACK_T callbackFunc: getting the corresponding events from the BLE component, add application
*                                   code to handle events.
* \return
*  CYBLE_API_RESULT_T : Return value indicates if the function succeeded or 
*                       failed. Following are the possible error codes.
*   Errors codes                     | Description
*   ------------                     | -----------
*   CYBLE_ERROR_OK                   | On successful operation.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER    | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION    | Operation is not permitted when device is in connected state.
* Note:
*       after function bleState is BLE_STATE_INITIALIZING
    uint32_t clock ,BLE_CALLBACK_T callbackFunc);

* Function Name: Ble_GetMac
* This function gets the Bluetooth device address at BLE Stack's memory(RAM).
* \param uint8_t * deviceMac:   return Bluetooth Device address retrieved from the BLE stack gets stored
*                               to a variable pointed to by this pointer. 
*                               default mac is read in mcu(AR32) chip id
* \return
*  CYBLE_API_RESULT_T : Return value indicates if the function succeeded or 
*                       failed. Following are the possible error codes.
*   Errors codes                     | Description
*   ------------                     | -----------
*   CYBLE_ERROR_OK                   | On successful operation.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER    | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION    | Operation is not permitted when device is in connected state.
* Note:
*        default mac is read in mcu(AR32) chip id
BLE_API_RESULT_T Ble_GetMac(uint8_t *deviceMac);

* Function Name: Ble_SetMac
* This function sets the Bluetooth device address into BLE Stack's memory(RAM).
* \param uint8_t * deviceMac:   Bluetooth Device address retrieved from the BLE stack gets stored
*                               to a variable pointed to by this pointer. 
* \return
*  CYBLE_API_RESULT_T : Return value indicates if the function succeeded or 
*                       failed. Following are the possible error codes.
*   Errors codes                     | Description
*   ------------                     | -----------
*   CYBLE_ERROR_OK                   | On successful operation.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER    | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION    | Operation is not permitted when device is in connected state.
BLE_API_RESULT_T Ble_SetMac(uint8_t *deviceMac);

* Function Name: Ble_GetName
* This function gets the Bluetooth device advertisement name at BLE Stack's memory(RAM).
* \param uint8_t * deviceName:   return Bluetooth Device advertisement name retrieved from the BLE stack gets stored
*                               to a variable pointed to by this pointer. 
* \return
*  CYBLE_API_RESULT_T : Return value indicates if the function succeeded or 
*                       failed. Following are the possible error codes.
*   Errors codes                     | Description
*   ------------                     | -----------
*   CYBLE_ERROR_OK                   | On successful operation.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER    | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION    | Operation is not permitted when device is in connected state.
* Note:
*        default name is "ble comm"
BLE_API_RESULT_T Ble_GetName(uint8_t *deviceName);

* Function Name: Ble_SetName
* This function sets the Bluetooth device advertisement name into BLE Stack's memory(RAM).
* \param uint8_t * deviceName:   Bluetooth Device advertisement name retrieved from the BLE stack gets stored
*                               to a variable pointed to by this pointer. 
* \return
*  CYBLE_API_RESULT_T : Return value indicates if the function succeeded or 
*                       failed. Following are the possible error codes.
*   Errors codes                     | Description
*   ------------                     | -----------
*   CYBLE_ERROR_OK                   | On successful operation.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER    | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION    | Operation is not permitted when device is in connected state.
* Note:
*        name length range is [1:15] bytes
BLE_API_RESULT_T Ble_SetName(uint8_t *deviceName);

* Function Name: Ble_Start
* This function start Bluetooth device with Advertising.
* \param None
* \return
*  CYBLE_API_RESULT_T : Return value indicates if the function succeeded or 
*                       failed. Following are the possible error codes.
*   Errors codes                     | Description
*   ------------                     | -----------
*   CYBLE_ERROR_OK                   | On successful operation.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER    | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION    | Operation is not permitted when device is in connected state.
* Note:
*       if already ble start will return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION
BLE_API_RESULT_T Ble_Start(void);

* Function Name: Ble_SendData
* This function send data to master.
* \param uint8_t len :  length of send data, range is [1:15]
* \param uint8_t *data :  data pointer 
* \return
*  CYBLE_API_RESULT_T : Return value indicates if the function succeeded or 
*                       failed. Following are the possible error codes.
*   Errors codes                     | Description
*   ------------                     | -----------
*   CYBLE_ERROR_OK                   | On successful operation.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER    | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION    | Operation is not permitted when device is in connected state.
* Note:
*       if bleState isn't BLE_STATE_CONNECTED will return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION
*       if data out of range will return CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER
BLE_API_RESULT_T Ble_SendData(uint8_t len, uint8_t *data);

* Function Name: Ble_pauseSession
* This function is reversed now
*   Errors codes                     | Description
*   ------------                     | -----------
*   CYBLE_ERROR_OK                   | On successful operation.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER    | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION    | Operation is not permitted when device is in connected state.
// BLE_API_RESULT_T Ble_pauseSession(void);

* Function Name: Ble_DisConnect
* This function is device initiative disconnect with master.
* \param None
* \return
*  CYBLE_API_RESULT_T : Return value indicates if the function succeeded or 
*                       failed. Following are the possible error codes.
*   Errors codes                     | Description
*   ------------                     | -----------
*   CYBLE_ERROR_OK                   | On successful operation.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER    | On specifying NULL as input parameter.
*   CYBLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION    | Operation is not permitted when device is in connected state.
* Note:
*       if bleState isn't BLE_STATE_CONNECTED will return BLE_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION
BLE_API_RESULT_T Ble_DisConnect(void);

* Function Name: Ble_Stop
* This function is stop ble stack and ble stack timer.
* \param None
* \return
*  CYBLE_API_RESULT_T : Return value indicates if the function succeeded or 
*                       failed. Following are the possible error codes.
*   Errors codes                     | Description
*   ------------                     | -----------
*   CYBLE_ERROR_OK                   | On successful operation.
* Note:
*       None
BLE_API_RESULT_T Ble_Stop(void);

* Function Name: Ble_GetState
* This function gets the current bleState.
* \param 
*       None
* \returns: BLE_STATE_T   bleState
* Note:
*       None
BLE_STATE_T Ble_GetState(void);

* Function Name: Ble_ProcessEvents
*  This function checks the internal task queue in the BLE Stack, and pending
*  operation of the BLE Stack, if any. This needs to be called at least once
*  every interval 't' where:
*   1. 't' is equal to connection interval or scan interval, whichever is
*       smaller, if the device is in GAP Central mode of operation, or
*   2. 't' is equal to connection interval or advertisement interval,
*       whichever is smaller, if the device is in GAP Peripheral mode
*       of operation. 
*  On calling every interval 't', all pending operations of the BLE Stack are
*  processed. This is a blocking function and returns only after processing all
*  pending events of the BLE Stack Care should be taken to prevent this call
*  from any kind of starvation; on starvation, events may be dropped by the
*  stack. All the events generated will be propagated to higher layers of the
*  BLE Stack and to the Application layer only after making a call to this
*  function.
* \return 
*  None
void Ble_ProcessEvents(void);

* Function Name: Ble_BackgroudProcess
*  This function need place in ble stack timer interrupt 
* \return 
*  None
void Ble_BackgroudProcess(void);


/** Event handler state machine type */
typedef enum
    BLE_STATE_STOPPED,                        /**< BLE is turned off */
    BLE_STATE_INITIALIZING,                   /**< Initializing state */
    BLE_STATE_CONNECTED,                      /**< Peer device is connected */
    BLE_STATE_ADVERTISING,                    /**< Advertising process */
    BLE_STATE_DISCONNECTED                    /**< Essentially idle state */


/** Host stack events.

typedef enum
    /** ble stack ready, create at Ble_Init()*/
    BLE_EVT_STACK_ON = 0x01u,
    /** This event is received when there is a timeout and application needs to handle the event.  */

    /** This event indicates that some internal hardware error has occurred. Reset of the hardware may be required. */

    /** This event is received when there is advertisment start or stop and application needs to handle the event.  
        eventParam[0] : 
            1 start first tigger at Ble_Start() and auto tigger when ble disconnect
            0 stop  clear when ble connect 

    /** This event is ble connect event.  
            eventParam : link_id[2]  characteristic value of current link, create at connecting. 

    /** This event is ble connect event.  
            eventParam : link_id[2]  characteristic value of current link, create at connecting. 
    /** Notification data received from server device. Event parameter
       is a pointer to a structure of type BLE_GATTC_HANDLE_VALUE_NTF_PARAM_T. */
    /** 'Prepare Write' Request from client device. Event parameter is a
       pointer to a structure of type BLE_GATTS_PREP_WRITE_REQ_PARAM_T. */


/** Common error codes received as API result */
typedef enum
    /** No Error occurred */
    BLE_ERROR_OK = 0x0000u,
    /** At least one of the input parameters is invalid */
    /** Operation is not permitted */




提供供应用层调用的库文件,可快速实现Faking BLE(伪蓝牙)的功能(GW32库版本)






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