This was probably my favorite Computer Science project in college, and I have been wanting to revisit it for a while.
It is a simple game written in MIPS Assembly Language, runnable cross-platform using a Java runtime. The player controls a spaceship that can move left/right/up/down (arrow keys), and shoot projectiles at the enemies (B). It is loosely based on the classic arcade game Galaga.
Building this game was a great learning experience, and I am proud of the result to this day. About a year later was when I began learning app development in native iOS, and I can see now how this project was a stepping stone to that type of thinking.
- Welcome screen with animated rainbow border
- Keyboard input for player movement and shooting
- Enemy spawning locations and timing randomized
- HUD with ammo, score, and lives
- Explosion animations when an enemy is hit
- Health drops to restore lives
- Game over screen with final score
- Java 8+ (I used Liberica JDK 21 LTS)
- Clone this repository:
git clone
Use the arrow keys to move the spaceship and the B key to shoot. Try to get the highest score you can!
If you lose a life, collect a falling health orb to restore one.