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multiSMASH: A workflow and scripts for large-scale antiSMASH analyses


multiSMASH is a Snakemake-based antiSMASH wrapper that streamlines large-scale analyses of biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) across multiple genomes.

The pipeline can:

  1. Parallelize antiSMASH runs on user-supplied genomes (OR accept existing results)
  2. Summarize and tabulate the antiSMASH results with information on each region and per-genome BGC counts
  3. Run BiG-SCAPE on the resulting BGCs to visualize gene cluster families (GCFs).


Recommended: Installing multiSMASH inside an antiSMASH conda environment

For help installing antiSMASH, see my antiSMASH 7 installation protocol below or the official antiSMASH documentation.

Activate the antiSMASH environment:

conda activate antismash7

Download this repository and enter it, then install the package with pip:

git clone
cd multismash
pip install .

multismash should now be added to your path and ready to use from any directory:

$ multismash -h
usage: multismash [-h] configfile [--cores CORES] [...]

multiSMASH is a Snakemake-based antiSMASH wrapper that streamlines 
large-scale analyses of BGCs across multiple genomes.

positional arguments:
  configfile  path to the YAML file with job configurations

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Any additional arguments will be passed to Snakemake. Use `snakemake -h`
to see all available parameters. Flags you may find useful:
  --dry-run, -n   Do not execute anything, and display what would be done
  --quiet, -q     Do not output any progress or rule information
  --forceall, -F  Force the (re-)execution of all rules 

Other installation notes

  • If you are only using the standalone scripts for tabulating existing antiSMASH runs, then no dependencies are needed beyond python>=3.7 and the standard library. Simply download the scripts from this repository.
  • If you want to install multiSMASH in its own conda environment, you can do so, otherwise following installation instructions above. You will have to adjust the antismash_conda_env_name and antismash_command parameters in the config file.
  • BiG-SCAPE is turned off by default. The first time a BiG-SCAPE job is requested (run_bigscape: True in the config file) then multiSMASH will automatically install bigscape from Bioconda and reuse the Pfam database from antiSMASH. If you want to use your own BiG-SCAPE installation, point multiSMASH to the correct locations with the last three parameters of the config file.
  • Docker: Snakemake supports containerization, and therefore multiSMASH should be able to. However, I've never used docker/singularity. If you want to help add/test singularity support, then please submit an issue with your scenario (or even better, submit a pull request).


An example workflow

Inputs, outputs, and all other flags are set in a job-specific configuration file that is used as a required argument for multismash.

A working example is provided in example/config-example.yaml, along with three E. coli genomes.

Preview the steps that will be performed with the -n (aka --dry-run) snakemake flag:

$ multismash example/config-example.yaml -n

Running multiSMASH with 3 cores
3 gbff.gz files found
Building DAG of jobs...
Job stats:
job                 count
----------------  -------
all                     1
count_regions           1
run_antismash           3
tabulate_regions        1
total                   6


This was a dry-run (flag -n). The order of jobs does not reflect the order of execution.

The three provided genomes were found, yielding three run_antismash jobs. Due to the configuration cores: 3, the jobs will run in parallel, each using a single core. This scales far more efficiently than multithreading antiSMASH itself. Once the antiSMASH runs finish, the results will be summarized with count_regions and tabulate_regions (see below).

Run the analysis by omitting the -n flag:

multismash example/config-example.yaml

The results can be found in multismash/example_output/, as specified by the out_dir configuration.

Note: default antiSMASH configuration

By default, antiSMASH is run with the --minimal flag, as set in the configuration antismash_flags. A minimal run reduces the run time by skipping many of the features that aren't used in the downstream tabulation, including HTML generation, as well as optional analysis modules such as NRPS/PKS domain or lanthipeptide precursor prediction. I made this the default because the time saving is significant, and if I'm running hundreds of genomes, I'm not looking at most of the HTML files anyway.

If you want the HTML output for each run, you can add --enable-html to the configuration antismash_flags. To restore the antiSMASH default settings, remove the --minimal flag. Alternatively, I usually copy BGC region GBKs of interest to a new folder and use them as input for a second round of multiSMASH with a richer set of antiSMASH flags.

Error handling: what happens if individual antiSMASH jobs fail

The logs for each antiSMASH run are stored within the output directory in log/<timestamp>/antismash. Any errors are stored in log/<timestamp>/antismash_errors.log.

By default, multiSMASH runs snakemake with the --keep-going (-k) flag, which means that if any job fails, non-dependent jobs will continue to be run. After every antiSMASH run is attempted, the tabulation jobs will fail (due to missing inputs), and multiSMASH will exit.

To have multiSMASH exit on the first job failure, remove --keep-going from the configuration snakemake_flags.

To have multiSMASH run tabulation and/or BiG-SCAPE even after job failure(s), set the configuration antismash_accept_failure: True. Note: An empty <genome>/<genome>.gbk file will be created. A record of failed jobs will appear in the antismash_errors.log file, but those genomes will not appear in the tabulated outputs.

Tabulating existing antiSMASH results

multiSMASH can also work with existing antiSMASH results. For a collection of antiSMASH result folders like this:

├── antismash_results
│   ├── genome_1
|   │   ├── genome_1.json
|   │   ├── genome_1.gbk
|   │   └── ...
│   ├── genome_2
|   │   ├── genome_2.json
|   │   ├── genome_2.gbk
|   │   └── ...
│   ├── ...

Set the in_dir configuration to [path/to/]antismash_results and leave the in_ext configuration blank. All other configurations can be used normally, and any antiSMASH-related configurations will be ignored.

GFF3 gene annotations

multiSMASH can accept paired fasta / GFF3 inputs (the antiSMASH flag genefinding-gff3) as of v0.4.0. If the antismash_annotation_ext configuration is set, each fasta file must be accompanied by a GFF3 file with the same directory and stem. For example, with the following configurations, if multiSMASH finds path/to/example.fa, it also requires path/to/example.gff.

in_dir: path/to
in_ext: fa
antismash_annotation_ext: gff

Standalone scripts

The following standalone scripts are available in workflow/scripts:

Given a bunch of antismash results, tabulate BGC regions

usage: [-h] asdir outpath

positional arguments:
  asdir       directory containing antiSMASH directories
  outpath     desired path+name for the output TSV

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Example TSV output: (prettified)

|file            |record_id   |region|start   |end     |contig_edge|product                         |KCB_hit        |KCB_acc    |KCB_sim |record_desc                                                             |
|GCF_000008865.2 |NC_002695   |1     |675813  |730768  |False      |NRP-metallophore / NRPS         |enterobactin   |BGC0002476 |high    |Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai DNA, complete genome                |
|GCF_000008865.2 |NC_002695   |2     |1069983 |1096276 |False      |thiopeptide                     |               |           |        |Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai DNA, complete genome                |
|GCF_000008865.2 |NC_002695   |3     |1289425 |1299677 |False      |RiPP-like                       |               |           |        |Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai DNA, complete genome                |
|GCF_000008865.2 |NC_002695   |4     |1338879 |1381438 |False      |arylpolyene                     |               |           |        |Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai DNA, complete genome                |
|GCF_000008865.2 |NC_002695   |5     |4324109 |4367697 |False      |arylpolyene                     |APE Ec         |BGC0000836 |high    |Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai DNA, complete genome                |
|GCF_000407825.1 |NZ_KE136672 |1     |210696  |236988  |False      |thiopeptide                     |               |           |        |Escherichia coli KTE19 acHaZ-supercont1.1, whole genome shotgun sequence|
|GCF_000407825.1 |NZ_KE136672 |2     |378726  |422314  |False      |arylpolyene                     |aryl polyenes  |BGC0002008 |high    |Escherichia coli KTE19 acHaZ-supercont1.1, whole genome shotgun sequence|
|GCF_000407825.1 |NZ_KE136674 |1     |7576    |19112   |True       |RiPP-like                       |microcin L     |BGC0000588 |low     |Escherichia coli KTE19 acHaZ-supercont1.3, whole genome shotgun sequence|
|GCF_000407825.1 |NZ_KE136675 |1     |556378  |619578  |False      |NRP-metallophore / NRPS / T1PKS |yersiniabactin |BGC0001055 |low     |Escherichia coli KTE19 acHaZ-supercont1.4, whole genome shotgun sequence|
|GCF_000407825.1 |NZ_KE136675 |2     |3924573 |3979528 |False      |NRP-metallophore / NRPS         |enterobactin   |BGC0002476 |high    |Escherichia coli KTE19 acHaZ-supercont1.4, whole genome shotgun sequence|
|GCF_000005845.2 |NC_000913   |1     |594156  |649297  |False      |NRP-metallophore / NRPS         |enterobactin   |BGC0002476 |high    |Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, complete genome              |
|GCF_000005845.2 |NC_000913   |2     |940339  |966632  |False      |thiopeptide                     |               |           |        |Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, complete genome              |

Given a bunch of antismash results, count the BGC regions

usage: [-h] [--contig] [--hybrid] asdir outpath

positional arguments:
  asdir       directory containing antiSMASH directories
  outpath     desired path+name for the output TSV

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --by_contig      count regions per each individual contig rather than per assembly
  --split_hybrids  count each hybrid region multiple times, once for each constituent 
                   BGC class. The total_count column is unaffected.

Example TSV output (prettified):

|record                  |total_count|RiPP-like|arylpolyene|thiopeptide|hybrid|description                                                                               |
|GCF_000008865.2.gbff.gz |5          |1        |2          |1          |1     |Escherichia coli O157:H7 str. Sakai DNA, complete genome [3 total records]                |
|GCF_000407825.1.gbff.gz |5          |1        |1          |1          |2     |Escherichia coli KTE19 acHaZ-supercont1.1, whole genome shotgun sequence [5 total records]|
|GCF_000005845.2.gbff.gz |2          |0        |0          |1          |1     |Escherichia coli str. K-12 substr. MG1655, complete genome [1 total record]               |

antiSMASH 7 installation protocol

Here's my recipe for an antiSMASH 7 conda environment that is multiSMASH-compatible. See the official antiSMASH documentation for more installation options.

# Create the environment. Conda should work too, but mamba is faster
# Python must be v3.9+ (current dev version requires 3.11+)
mamba create -n antismash7 python=3.10
mamba activate antismash7

# Install dependencies
mamba install -c bioconda hmmer2 hmmer diamond fasttree prodigal glimmerhmm

# Download and install antiSMASH v7.1
# Get different versions by changing the branch:
git clone --branch 7-1-stable antismash7   
cd antismash7
pip install .

If you encounter the pip error Cargo, the Rust package manager, is not installed or is not on PATH, use rustup to install it:

curl -sSf | sh

Becoming a MEME queen

The reason antiSMASH 7 is not one-line conda installable is that it requires meme<=4.11.2, which doesn't play well with the other dependencies. You will have to install the old version of meme suite separately and direct antiSMASH to the binaries for meme and fimo.

You can create a separate conda environment just for the old meme version, then tell antiSMASH permanently where to find the binaries using the antiSMASH config file:

# Or if you have a working antSMASH v6 environment, just activate that instead
mamba create --name meme_4.11.2 -c bioconda meme=4.11.2
mamba activate meme_4.11.2

# Permanently tell antiSMASH v7 where to find the executables
echo "executable-paths meme=$(which meme),fimo=$(which fimo)" >> ~/.antismash7.cfg

# Return to antismash environment
mamba activate antismash7

Finally, download the various databases that antiSMASH requires:


OR if they're already downloaded, tell antiSMASH where to find them:

echo "databases /path/to/antismash-databases" >> ~/.antismash7.cfg

Test your installation:

# Should return "All prerequisites satisfied"
antismash --check-prereqs

Funding and Acknowledgements

I am currently developing/maintaining multiSMASH in my spare time. The workflow was conceived while working with Marnix H. Medema at the Wageningen University & Research Bioinformatics Group, supported by his European Research Council Starting Grant (948770-DECIPHER).

Thanks to Simon Shaw and Kai Blin for answering many antiSMASH questions.

Citing multiSMASH

If you find multiSMASH useful, please cite the Zenodo DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8276143


A workflow and scripts for large-scale antiSMASH analyses





