ExcaliBrain 0.0.13
- I added link labels. You can configure at the link type level to display the DataView field (or fields) for the link.
- Filter links and nodes based on data view field and tags. Selecting items from the dropdown list will hide those on the graph.
- #663 ExcaliBrain now supports inline DataView fields in uncompressed Excalidraw files as well.
- Dataview has an unintended special feature supporting inline fields mid-way through a paragraph. This works because the DataView full-line parser for metadata stops when it sees indentation/punctuation. Thus if you start your field name mid-way in a paragraph with a punctuation character, then the field will be picked up from within a paragraph. With this change to ExcaliBrain DataView field support, you can also use these inline fields mid-way through a paragraph. See related discussion on the DataView forum here
- Excalidraw will also process DataView fields in the YAML frontmatter. Note however that you should include one link per front matter tag.
- Dataview has an unintended special feature supporting inline fields mid-way through a paragraph. This works because the DataView full-line parser for metadata stops when it sees indentation/punctuation. Thus if you start your field name mid-way in a paragraph with a punctuation character, then the field will be picked up from within a paragraph. With this change to ExcaliBrain DataView field support, you can also use these inline fields mid-way through a paragraph. See related discussion on the DataView forum here
my field: [[link]]
document body...
- History now displays aliases honoring settings. Thanks, @erichalldev for the contribution! (#43)
- I added a setting under hierarchy settings to treat all inferred links as Friends (instead of parents, children, or friends depending on the location of the link). This way, if you use ExcaliBrain for genealogy you can leave all related information such as place of birth, country, occupation, etc as inferred links and only explicitly define links for the genealogical hierarchy. (#41)
- I added a command palette action to open ExcaliBrain in Hover Editor.
- By setting up a hotkey for starting ExcaliBrain (either in a docked work pane or in a Hover Editor) you can use the same hotkey to activate ExcaliBrain search from anywhere in Obsidian. If the ExcaliBrain work pane is not visible or the hover editor is minimized, ExcaliBrain will reveal the work pane and activate the search.
- Link direction was reversed. I changed the logic, however, if you are using directional links, you will need to change style settings.