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Nightly Snapshot

Nightly Snapshot #487

# Automated snapshot publishing of commits on the main branch #
name: Nightly Snapshot
- cron: '0 2 * * *' # run at 2 AM UTC
concurrency: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
name: Snapshot
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout Repo
uses: actions/checkout@v2
- name: Check for commits in past 24 hours
id: past_day_commits
continue-on-error: true
run: test -z $(git rev-list --after="24 hours" ${{ github.sha }}) && echo "::set-output name=exists::false"
- name: Setup Node.js 16.x
if: ${{ steps.past_day_commits.outputs.exists != 'false' }}
uses: actions/setup-node@v2
node-version: 16.x
- name: Install Dependencies
if: ${{ steps.past_day_commits.outputs.exists != 'false' }}
run: yarn
- name: Set outputs
if: ${{ steps.past_day_commits.outputs.exists != 'false' }}
id: vars
run: echo "::set-output name=sha_short::$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)"
# We version the snapshot using a shortened git hash to make it easy to correlate
# published versions to specific commits (or find a snapshot from a commit for testing).
- name: Create snapshot version
if: ${{ steps.past_day_commits.outputs.exists != 'false' }}
run: yarn changeset version --snapshot experimental-${{ steps.vars.outputs.sha_short }}
# We must specify a tag here to ensure we don't override `latest` which is expected to be
# a stable version. Instead we use `experimental` so that `@experimental` allows easily
# installing the latest snapshot. Individual snapshot releases should be available through
# versions updated in the package.json files.
- name: Publish snapshot to NPM
if: ${{ steps.past_day_commits.outputs.exists != 'false' }}
run: yarn changeset publish --no-git-tag --tag experimental
NPM_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}