嗨,我叫张望,是一个半路出家的机器学习工程师。 从计算流体出身的我,在第一次接触 CUDA 之后就不可救药地投入到了 GPU 通用计算之中。 经过好几年的探索,渐渐发现对 GPU 的使用,机器学习无论是否相较科学计算领域,都是始终位于第一线。 因此,我也决定投入到机器学习工程化的队伍中。
Hey, it's Wang. I'm a ML engineer who jumped into the ML world halfway. While previously working on fluid computation, I get obsessed with GPGPU once I made my first CUDA program (an SOR solver). After years of trial and error, I realized that in terms of the GPU application, whether compared to scientific computation or not, it is machine learning that always pushes the limit of GPU. Thus, I decided to devote myself to the machine learning engineering.
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