Java csv query (Side project)
This project consist of a csv query tool built using java 8.
The idea behind is trying to create a tool (like sql scripting interpreter) to retreive data from csv file using sql syntax.
Those are the steps to follow :
Open cmd and cd to src folder
javac *.java to compile project
java Oracle run the project
Now you can interacte with program via cmd
Rules to avoid bugs :
Don't give fake pathfile
SQL words should be in upperCase : SELECT FROM IMPORT WHERE
Import Stataement ex : IMPORT ../document.csv;
Select Statement ex :
* SELECT ID, Name FROM ../document.csv ; * SELECT ID,Age FROM ../document.csv WHERE ID = 1 ; * SELECT ID, age,name FROM ../document.csv WHERE ID > 1 AND Name != 'OMAR'; * SELECT ID FROM ../document.csv WHERE ID > 1 or Name != 'OMAR';
NB : this program can't check more then two conditions in predicat => (ID < 10 AND ID > 3) or id = 5 will not work.
Feel free to download the code and use it :)