$ gcc printAscii.c -o printAscii -Wall -lm
$ ./printAscii [options] [image] AsciiBi2.txt
- The order of the arguments must be as specified
: inverses the resulting Ascii image colors.-m 0..2
: changes the mode of calculating which Ascii character is printed.-a 0..255
: converts pixels with 0 alpha to the value specified.-t 0..255
: changes the threshold for converting pixels to black or white.-w [output width]
: resizes the output to the given width in Ascii characters.-o [output file]
: prints the Ascii art in a file instead of the terminal.
sudo apt install ffmpeg
- Build with:
gcc printVideoAscii.c -o printVideoAscii -Wall
gcc videoAscii.c -o videoAscii -Wall
- Run the follwing commands to generate a txt file with the video:
./videoAscii [output text file] [video] [number of frames]
-(warning: The number of frames must be less than or equal to the number of frames in the original video)
- Run:
./playVideoAscii [output text file] [framerate]