Note: this repo is deprecated. See another repo that reproduces our method:
- Install python3
- Install pytorch 0.3 version (It does not support 0.4)
- Put an imagenet folder under exp/imagenet/
- You can download it from official websites
- Install Visdom if you want visualization, and see here.
- If you want to replicate VAE experiments, please download the pretrained model from here and put under exp/vbd_imagenet/checkpts2/
- If you want to replicate Contextual Attention GAN experiments, you need to setup the pre-trained GAN from this repo. Put this repo under exp/vbd_imagenet/generative_inpainting/
Running examples:
- Run FIDO with SDR objectives (vbd_sdr), and with Local inpainter (LocalMeanInpainter)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python -u --importance-method vbd_sdr --classifier resnet50 --dropout_param_size 56 56 --epochs 300 --lr 0.05 --reg-coef 1e-3 --batch-size 8 --num-samples 1 --gen-model-name LocalMeanInpainter --save-dir ./imgs/0317_local_vbd_sdr_1E-3_56_val_resnet/ --num-imgs 50 --dataset valid/ --data-dir ../imagenet/ --gpu-ids 0
- Without GPU (add --no-cuda)
python -u --importance-method vbd_ssr --classifier resnet50 --dropout_param_size 56 56 --epochs 300 --lr 0.05 --reg-coef 1e-3 --batch-size 8 --num-samples 1 --gen-model-name LocalMeanInpainter --save-dir ./imgs/0317_local_vbd_sdr_1E-3_56_val_resnet/ --num-imgs 50 --dataset valid/ --data-dir ../imagenet/ --no-cuda
- Run FIDO with SSR objectives (vbd_ssr), and with Contextual Attention Inpainter (CAInpainter)
python -u --importance-method vbd_sdr --classifier resnet50 --dropout_param_size 56 56 --epochs 300 --lr 0.05 --reg-coef 1e-3 --batch-size 8 --num-samples 1 --gen-model-name CAInpainter --save-dir ./imgs/0317_local_vbd_sdr_1E-3_56_val_resnet/ --num-imgs 50 --dataset valid/ --data-dir ../imagenet/ --no-cuda
- Run BBMP with SSR objectives under random inpainting
python -u --importance-method bbmp_ssr --classifier resnet50 --dropout_param_size 56 56 --epochs 300 --lr 0.05 --reg-coef 5e-3 --gen-model-name RandomColorWithNoiseInpainter --save-dir ./imgs/0317_random_bbmp_ssr_5E-3_56_val_resnet/ --num-imgs 50 --dataset valid/ --data-dir ../imagenet/ --no-cuda
Still have questions?
- If you still have questions, please first search over closed issues. If the problem is not solved, please open a new issue.
Visualization on Visdom for the saliency map during training is supported. Run visdom server and then add argument --visdom_enabled to view.
CC 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial International
The software is for educaitonal and academic research purpose only.
title={Explaining Image Classifiers by Adaptive Dropout and Generative In-filling},
author={Chang, Chun-Hao and Creager, Elliot and Goldenberg, Anna and and Duvenaud, David},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.08024},