The next development of the Apache Mod, V2.1.0. It is smaller than the V2.0.0 release, but comes with some exciting changes to the flight model, radar, ASE, and controls. There have also been some bugfixes in the background.
Modded keybindings
Following the release of Arma 3 V2.06, we have been able to better interact with Arma 3's keybinding system, allowing for us to rework how the controls work. The new keybinds are here.
The following changes have been made:
- Moved across keybindings from CBA keybindings to Vanilla Keybindings.
- Keybinds are now easily mappable to joystick buttons.
- Keybinds now have a default value.
- All items in the cockpit can be (optionally) mapped to a joystick button or keybind.
SFM Plus
Improvements have been made to many parts of SFM Plus, adding damage due to aircraft misuse and improving engine simulation:
- Added damage when aircraft torque limits are exceeded
- Rewrote how torque is handled to make it more stable and 'true to life'
- Rewrote how engine starts are handled so that the start is no longer bound to hard times, but can be initiated at any point after the start switch is taken to start.
- Enabled split power lever operations (a.k.a. single-engine operations)
- Added APU fuel burn (175pph)
Fire extinguisher system
- The fire bottle is now rearmed by repairing the engines (left engine refills primary, Right the secondary)
- the fire system can now be used by either crew member
- Engine fire can be put out by shutting down that specific engine
- Engine Fire is now visible for all players on multiplayer
Fire Control Radar And Aircraft survival equipment
- Rewritten FCR to use new Arma 2.06 commands to read the vanilla radar
- Updated the ASE page to show all threats the vanilla SENS panel shows (minus the radar targets and incoming missiles)
- Vanilla Info Panels have been removed
- Jammers now use the vanilla countermeasure system rather than a custom script
- Improved anti-air threat identification
- Jammers in STBY will automatically go to OPER 1.5 seconds after an incoming missile warning and will leave it on
Default Crew Kit
- A Default Crew kit had been made for the Apache using the available vanilla kit, The kit consists of the following items.
Small improvements
- Apache Armor Has been boosted 20%
- Rocket salvo fire rates have been increased
- Updated Flare visuals (Flares sourced from USAF AC-130 BETA, Credit to Pingopete)
- Rocket salvo Has been reactivated
- Fixed 30mm ace rearm Bug When not Rearming the entire magazine
- Hellfire stability has been improved
- Fixed the TADS shaking on small damage levels
- Floodlighting no longer jumps around when moving
- Fixed PNVS jitteriness with head tracking
- SFM+ stabilator no longer breaks when in map or spectator
- Fixed ACE Vehicle damage aggressively nerfing Hellfire damage.