PeleLMeX 22.07
What's Changed
- Fix convergence CI by @esclapez in #6
- Fix Pele Physics by @esclapez in #7
- Switch AMReX-Hydro by @esclapez in #8
- Feature balance by @esclapez in #9
- Fix runtime selection of reactor. by @esclapez in #10
- Make LMeX GPU-compatible by @esclapez in #11
- Fix projection velocity BCs by @esclapez in #12
- Implement closed chamber algorithm. by @esclapez in #13
- Enable EB in LMeX by @esclapez in #16
- A series of minor tweaks by @esclapez in #17
- Add typical value machinery by @esclapez in #18
- Enable Hypre interface to Nodal/MAC linear solves by @esclapez in #19
- Add a few EB test cases by @esclapez in #20
- EB mask operations by @esclapez in #21
- Fix behavior of ReactorNull by @esclapez in #22
- Add a gaseous methane laminar counterflow diffusion flame. by @esclapez in #23
- Update efield portions of the Sources/Exec by @esclapez in #24
- Modify pltfile to include HRR and re-arrange slightly by @esclapez in #25
- Update includes of Projector source location and names. by @esclapez in #26
- Update to catch up with new PelePhysics PMF by @esclapez in #27
- Set covered face with EB while computing the velocity adv. term. by @esclapez in #30
- Enable TurbInflow by @esclapez in #31
- Update EB_ChallengeProblem with new PMF. by @esclapez in #32
- Remove managed memory to enable running with HIP (ROCm 4.5) by @esclapez in #33
- Add FlameSheet dodecane Lu inputs. by @esclapez in #34
- Fix efield by @esclapez in #35
- Enable initializing data from pltfile by @esclapez in #36
- Tprof regions by @esclapez in #37
- Switch to MF interpolators. by @esclapez in #38
- Multi-component diffusion by @esclapez in #39
- Change level data layout by @esclapez in #40
- Adding submodules to LMeX by @esclapez in #41
- A fair amount of wrongly commited changed in previous PR, but some we… by @esclapez in #42
- Fix sundials6 by @esclapez in #43
- Tune down most warnings in LMeX. by @esclapez in #44
- Update perio test by @esclapez in #45
- Update periodic regtest to unable diffusion convergence test by @esclapez in #46
- Fix turbInflow by @esclapez in #47
- Initialize unitTest by @esclapez in #48
- Fix fill crse patch turb inflow by @esclapez in #49
- Add a stiffer scalar advection version, convecting a Gaussian in a pe… by @esclapez in #50
- Add M. Reith 1NJOD case. by @esclapez in #51
- Update sub mods by @esclapez in #53
- Pass state Array4 in initdata instead of separate Array4 for each entry. by @esclapez in #54
- Make PeleLM.H trans_parms static. by @esclapez in #55
- Restore the ability to run incompressible flows by @esclapez in #56
- Update TurbInflow by @esclapez in #57
- Add support for Bell, Dawson & Shubin (BDS) advection scheme by @esclapez in #58
- Add message checking lifted from AmrLevel. by @esclapez in #59
- Add the option to zero visc the diffusivity and thus add the zero_visc by @esclapez in #60
- Restart plt cpp by @esclapez in #61
- Add flexibililty to EB refinement by @esclapez in #52
- Swirl flow wall interaction by @esclapez in #62
- Initiate doc by @esclapez in #63
- Update controls doc page by @esclapez in #67
- Minor bug fixes by @esclapez in #68
- updated docs to include model description and enclosed domain ambient pressure formulation by @nickwimer in #69
- Check divu by @nickwimer in #66
- Diagnostics by @esclapez in #70
- Fix diags on GPUs by @esclapez in #71
- A series a small fixes and changes by @esclapez in #73
- Update challenge by @esclapez in #74
- Init dt by @esclapez in #75
- Landon/soot and spray by @ldowen in #72
- Add mixture fraction and progress variable derived variables by @esclapez in #76
- The issue with non-C2 thermo leading to deltaT iter failure still there. by @esclapez in #77
- Add a CounterFlowSpray case using NC7H16. by @esclapez in #78
- Added spray derive vars by @ldowen in #79
- Update CEPTR mechs by @esclapez in #81
- Flame sheet dodecane QSS by @esclapez in #82
- Add control over the number of digits in plt and chk file name by @esclapez in #83
- Fix bug on gravity forces (missing *rho) by @esclapez in #85
- Add a couple of features by @esclapez in #86
- Create LICENSE by @esclapez in #87
- Update subrepo and CI by @esclapez in #90
- Update GNUmake and fix initial velocity. by @esclapez in #89
- Update ChallengeProblem setup with a functioning one. by @esclapez in #92
- Fix DiagFramePlane when more than one FAB per file. by @esclapez in #94
- Updated spray regression test to account for errors on different levels by @ldowen in #93
- Add a transport properties to derived by @esclapez in #96
- The min value for species typical values passed into chemistry by @esclapez in #97
- Minor update of Controls and initiate a Troubleshooting section. by @esclapez in #98
- Add HIT initial velocity to ChallengeProblem by @esclapez in #99
- Fix mom mass trans by @ldowen in #100
- Enabling RZ by @esclapez in #101
- Particle mkd only by @ldowen in #103
- Minor updates by @esclapez in #105
New Contributors
- @nickwimer made their first contribution in #69
- @ldowen made their first contribution in #72
Full Changelog: v21.10...v22.07