Minimal configuration of a core-v-mcu
- Install Conda as described in the link, and create the Conda enviroment with python 3.8:
conda update conda
conda env create -f environment.yml
Activate the environment with
conda activate core-v-mini-mcu
- Install the required Python tools:
pip3 install --user -r python-requirements.txt
Add '--root user_builds' to set your build foders for the pip packages
and add that folder to the PATH
- Install the required apt tools:
sudo apt install lcov libelf1 libelf-dev libftdi1-2 libftdi1-dev libncurses5 libssl-dev libudev-dev libusb-1.0-0 lsb-release texinfo makeinfo autoconf cmake flex bison libexpat-dev gawk
In general, have a look at the Install required software section of the OpenTitan documentation.
- Install the RISC-V Compiler:
git clone --branch 2022.01.17 --recursive
cd riscv-gnu-toolchain
./configure --prefix=/home/yourusername/tools/riscv --with-abi=ilp32 --with-arch=rv32imc --with-cmodel=medlow
Then, set the RISCV
env variable as:
export RISCV=/home/yourusername/tools/riscv
- Install the Verilator:
git clone
cd verilator
git checkout v$VERILATOR_VERSION
./configure --prefix=/home/yourusername/tools/verilator/$VERILATOR_VERSION
make install
Then, set the PATH
env variable to as:
export PATH=/home/yourusername/tools/verilator/$VERILATOR_VERSION/bin:$PATH
In general, have a look at the Install Verilator section of the OpenTitan documentation.
If you want to see the vcd waveforms generated by the Verilator simulation, install GTKWAVE:
sudo apt install libcanberra-gtk-module libcanberra-gtk3-module
sudo apt-get install -y gtkwave
This repository relies on vendor to add new IPs. In the ./util folder, the scripts implements what is describeb above.
You can compile the example applications and the platform using the Makefile. Type 'make help' for more information.
First, you have to generate the SystemVerilog package and C header file of the core-v-mini-mcu:
make mcu-gen
To change the default cpu type (i.e., cv32e20) and the default bus type (i.e., onetoM) type:
make mcu-gen CPU=cv32e40p BUS=NtoM
Don't forget to set the RISCV
env variable to the compiler folder (without the /bin
make app-helloworld
This will create the executable file to be loaded in your target system (ASIC, FPGA, Simulation).
This project supports simulation with Verilator, Synopsys VCS, and Siemens Questasim.
To simulate your application with Verilator, first compile the HDL:
make verilator-sim
then, go to your target system built folder
cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim-verilator
and type to run your compiled software:
./Vtestharness +firmware=../../../sw/applications/hello_world/hello_world.hex
or to execute all these three steps type:
make run-helloworld
To simulate your application with VCS, first compile the HDL:
make vcs-sim
then, go to your target system built folder
cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim-vcs
and type to run your compiled software:
./openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0 +firmware=../../../sw/applications/hello_world/hello_world.hex
To simulate your application with Questasim, first set the env variable MODEL_TECH
to your Questasim bin folder, then compile the HDL:
make questasim-sim
then, go to your target system built folder
cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim-modelsim/
and type to run your compiled software:
make run PLUSARGS="c firmware=../../../sw/applications/hello_world/hello_world.hex"
You can also use vopt for HDL optimized compilation:
make questasim-sim-opt
then go to
cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim_opt-modelsim/
make run PLUSARGS="c firmware=../../../sw/applications/hello_world/hello_world.hex"
Questasim version must be >= Questasim 2019.3
To simulate the UART, we use the LowRISC OpenTitan UART DPI.
Read how to interact with it in the Section "Interact with the simulated UART" here.
The output of the UART DPI module is printed in the uart0.log
file in the simulation folder.
For example, to see the "hello world!" output of the Verilator simulation:
cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/sim-verilator
./Vtestharness +firmware=../../../sw/applications/hello_world/hello_world.hex
cat uart0.log
Follow the Debug guide to debug core-v-mini-mcu.
This project supports emulation on FPGAs (work in progress).
Work In Progress and untested!!!
To build and program the bitstream for your FPGA with vivado, type:
make vivado-fpga FPGA_BOARD=nexys-a7-100t
or add the flag use_bscane_xilinx
to use the native Xilinx scanchain:
make vivado-fpga FPGA_BOARD=nexys-a7-100t FUSESOC_FLAGS=--flag=use_bscane_xilinx
If you only need the synthesis implementation:
vivado-fpga-nobuild FPGA_BOARD=nexys-a7-100t
cd ./build/openhwgroup.org_systems_core-v-mini-mcu_0/nexys-a7-100t-vivado/
make synth
at the end of the synthesis, you can export your netlist by typing:
vivado -notrace -mode batch -source ../../../hw/fpga/scripts/export_verilog_netlist.tcl
Only Vivado 2021.2 has been tried.
This project can be implemented using standard cells based ASIC flow. (work in progress)
First, you need to provide technology-dependent implementations of some of the cells which require specific instantiation.
Then, please provide a set_libs.tcl and set_constraints.tcl scripts to set link and target libraries, and constraints as the clock.
To generate and run synthesis scripts with DC, execute:
make asic
This relies on a fork of edalize that contains templates for Design Compiler.
We use version v0.0-1824-ga3b5bedf
See: Install Verible
To format your RTL code type:
make verible