Niky is a sample Persian shoe store application that works with Real rest API. Niky developed with Kotlin and Dagger-Hilt Dependency injection.
Niky is a shoe store that developed for Persian humans. this app developed with Kotlin and MVVM architecture, also use Room DB for managing the favorite shoe section. You can install the app and Signup into it. also all developers can contributors or open the issue or send pull request :)
- MVVM Architecture
- Dagger-Hilt Dependency Injection
- Room DB
- RxJava and RxAndroid
- Armadillo
- Retrofit
- Fresco
- KTX Library
- Navigation Component
- Logging Interceptor
- EventBus
- Timber
If you have any ideas or issues, don't hesitate to make contact via the Issues page. Every contribution is welcome. I see every issues and pull requests you made.
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