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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 6, 2023. It is now read-only.

Releases: AbolfaZlRezaEe/NikY


25 Jul 18:50
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improve UX for user

  • fix some bug when the user clicks in the signup button and when the progress bar is showing user can click the button again and it's not good. this bug is on SignIn, Sign, and AddComment sections.
  • improved progress bar look like in SignIn and SignUp Section.


23 Jul 19:52
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fix force close when the user chooses the dark mode in the phone and after that open the application and application force close.
this exception is related to the theme in dark mode. so the dark theme is currently deleted but in the future, I plan to use dark mode and initialize it in the application.

First release

23 Jul 08:19
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Fix some bug and config for release.

- update
- add screenShots and demo.