π·πΊ | π¬π§ |
The RISC-Technology (Rebused Instruction Set Computer)
The story of tries to build a processor that has intuitive clear instruction set.
- Read the wikia
- i8080 particulary support by commands (compactness, methods, simplicity)
- i8086 particulary support by assembly (flexibility, pointers, registers)
- i8080/i8086/z80 directly binary support is not provided by this project
- Try
βΆοΈ online demo code
- CPU-182:
- 1-byte relative jumps (Jcnd
+127) - 8-bits APR (BH CH DH AL BL CL DL)
- 16-bits pairs (BX CX DX)
- 16-bits pointers (IP SP BP SI DI)
- 16-bits of page RAM [0..65535]
- 1-byte relative jumps (Jcnd
- CPU-18x:
- 08x - Null-bits ALU (experience factor)
- 18x - 8-bits ALU
- 28x - 16-bits ALU
- 38x - 32-bits ALU
- 48x - 64-bits ALU
- CPU-x82:
- x80 - Null-modified realize (experience model)
- x81 - First edition model
- x82 - Second edition model
- x83 - Thirth edition model
- CPU-284:
- 2-bytes relative jumps (Jcnd
+32767) - 16-bits APR (BH CH DH AL BL CL DL)
- 32-bits pairs (BX CX DX)
- 24-bits pointers (IP SP BP SI DI)
- 24-bits of page RAM [0..16777215]
- 2-bytes relative jumps (Jcnd
- CPU-386:
- 3-bytes relative jumps (Jcnd
+8388607) - 32-bits APR (BH CH DH AL BL CL DL)
- 64-bits pairs (BX CX DX)
- 32-bits pointers (IP SP BP SI DI)
- 32-bits of page RAM [up to 4 Gb]
- 3-bytes relative jumps (Jcnd
No more any x86-crutches, like EAX or RIP. Register names has no changes, but changes binarity.
Do You still thinking the i8080-architecture hopeless obsolete? And Z80 - the felicitous clone of i8080? Modern technologies allow to rebuild all i8080-software for new architecture with minimal difficulty. Let's try it!
### Details ``` 00: HLT - It's alright, since NULL - is Final (of text file and any document) by logic; 80: NOP - Arithmetical -(-128) - is overflow and still returns the -128 anyway; FF: RET - Other Final, since 0xFF is rare code and finally of ordinary numbers. ``` :repeat_one: Representation for i8080-rudiment:
βββΊRET Example:
Bx FF:Jcond $+1ββ 1.RZ
ββββββΊRcond β 2.RNZ
βββββ΄ββββββββββββ 3.RPO
π Representation for x86-rudiment:
Bx FE:Jcond $+0ββ 1.REPZ
β ββΊREPcond β 2.REPNZ
βββ΄ββββββββββββββ 3.REPPO
π Representation for internal functions as hollow calls:
βββΊRET Example:
Bx FF:Ccond $+1ββ 1.DAA
ββββββΊ Β«OtherΒ» β 2.CLI/STI
βββββ΄ββββββββββββ 3.CPUID
π Representation for complex functions as overflow calls:
Bx FE:Ccond $+0ββ 1.WAIT
β ββΊ Β«ComplexΒ» β 2.MUL/DIV
βββ΄ββββββββββββββ 3.MOVS/CMPS
Many of [:page_facing_up: Instructions Codes](http://htmlpreview.github.com/?http://github.com/Alikberov/x80/blob/master/emulator.html?instructions) aligned for maximal intuitive clear remembering:
Ax: Assign to registers / ALU-operations;
Bx: Branches by conditions;
Cx: Increments;
Dx: Decrements;
Fx: Functions.
βοΈ Suitable solvings (for remembering):
AA: ALU - Adding (ADD);
AC: ALU - Conjunction (AND);
AD: ALU - Disjunction (OR);
AE: ALU - Exclusive Or (XOR);
... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BA: Branch if Altered sign (minus)
BB: Branch if Bigger (not minus)
BC: Branch if Carry
BD: Branch is "Discarry"
BE: Branch if Equal (Zero)
BF: Branch if Fictive (not equal)
... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CB: inCrement BX-pointer;
CC: inCrement CX-pointer;
DC: Decrement CX-pointer;
DD: Decrement DX-pointer;
... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CF: Carry Flag complement (CMC);
DF: Digits Flip over (NOT);
EF: Envelope for Function (LOOP);
F0..F7: Function #n (INT n);
FF: Function's Finish (RET);
β Experimental solves:
Flags Register (AH - ALU Heap):
Bit 0:Zero (Null is Zero);
Bit 1:Carry (1 bit to carrier);
Bit 2:Signed(n - 2n = -n);
Bit 4:Word (1<<4 = 16 bits mode);
Bit 5:Trace (1<<5 = Thirty two);
β System Ρode particularity:
00: Prefix SS (not HLT);
Instruction set allow to do reverse ALU-operations with accumulator (SUB,SBB,CMP):
5B |SUB AL,BL ; AL = AL - BL
AB 7F|SUB AL,0x7F ; AL = AL - 0x7F
33 5B |SUB DH,BL ; DH = DH - BL
33 AB 7F|SUB DH,0x7F ; DH = DH - 0x7F
44 5B |SUB BL ; AL = BL - AL
44 AB 7F|SUB 0x7F ; AL = 0x7F - AL
.. .. ..
5F |CMP AL,BL ; Test(AL - BL)
AF 7F|CMP AL,0x7F ; Test(AL - 0x7F)
33 5F |CMP DH,BL ; Test(DH - BL)
33 AF 7F|CMP DH,0x7F ; Test(DH - 0x7F)
44 5F |CMP BL ; Test(BL - AL)
44 AF 7F|CMP 0x7F ; Test(0x7F - AL)
Since other reverse operations is nonsense (ADD,ADC,AND,OR,XOR), it working like comparators:
5C |AND AL,BL ; AL = AL & BL
AC 7F|AND AL,0x7F ; AL = AL & 0x7F
33 5C |AND DH,BL ; DH = DH & BL
33 AC 7F|AND DH,0x7F ; DH = DH & 0x7F
44 5C |AND BL ; Test(BL & AL)
44 AC 7F|AND 0x7F ; Test(0x7F & AL)
All relative access by index pointers, where effective vector are escaped the 64K-bound, will processes like the in/out-ports.
MOV AL,[SP-1] ; Equal IN AL,255 if SP is 0x0000
MOV [SP+1],AL ; Equal OUT 1,AL if SP is 0xFFFF
Processor haven't special instructions to control for inner states of unit. All PUSH/POP instructions provides access to internal register, when stack pointer aligned to bound of memory. When the SP sets in NULL or 0FFFFh, the PUSH/POP-instructions working without RAM, but with internal services registers of processor unit (debug register, task-context register, i8080-/z80-emulation). As a rule, supervisors process must to control this actions from applications and stop it any or making self.
PUSH DX ; If SP is 0x0000, DX are writing to service registers
PUSH AX ; Skip current service register
POP DX ; If SP is 0xFFFF, DX be readed from service registers
POP AX ; Skip current service register
PUSH CX ; If SP is 0x0001, CX has indexing the page of service
Particulary, this is different way for access to in/out ports. In case, when services page included the hexadecimal capital ("A".."F"), it are disabled for application code as system page.