Platformer2D game prototype/template
Level design in Tiled with objects
Coverted to scene using post_import script ("Entities\")
Show user defined text on enter to trigger
Show info on enter door trigger
- class for move horizontraly
- class for move verticaly
- class for input event
- IsPressed
- IsHold
- IsReleased
- class for shooting
- with rapid fire option on/off
- class for throwing
- class for Platformer2D movement
- move left
- move right
- jump/double jump
- fall
- pickup
- crunch
- class for animation state checker by assigned Platformer2D movement instance
- collision check is included inside classes
- play animation
- move viewport or camera2D by player position with smooth transition ON/OFF
- player facing by movement direction
- improved Tileset addon (organize tileset in scene now as in texture and set resource path to image)
- save/load inventory data to file
- teleport from/to (is defined as NODE) via target name of second teleport node with option for requested key
- message box entity for show info when player hit area
- pickup coins
- pickup ammo
- pickup key
- pickup granade
- pickup health
- pickup time limited powerUp jump modifier
- pickup time limited powerUp gravity modifier
- pickup time limited powerUp speed modifier
- example for simple top-down movement
- example for Platformer2D movement:
- [left arrow] = move left
- [right arrow] = move right
- [up arrow] = enter to door
- [down arroe] = crunch toggle on/off
- [space] = jump
- [W] = fire
- [Q] - throw
- working features:
- pickup coins + hud info
- pickup health + hud info (max limit 100)
- pickup ammo + hud info ()
- pickup powerup strong jump 10 sec.
- pickup powerup bigger speed
- pickup powerup gravity vector (0,500)
- teleport to second linked teleport by name
- pickup key
- damage by enemy
- destroy enemy (fire and granade)
- bullet explosion
- teleport with requested key
- show info when player enter to teleport area
- show message info text on enter sign tile
- enemies
- die
- pull/push
- add check if any powerup is executed
- add option for use only one powerup in time
- add automatic save point with respawn on last save point when scene load
- ...