Releases: ArduPilot/pymavlink
Releases · ArduPilot/pymavlink
What's Changed
- mavwp: remove old fences-in-waypoints code by @peterbarker in #984
- generator/C: Don't parse messages outside CRC_EXTRA by @julianoes in #990
- DFReader: In dump verbose show hex value for bitmask fields by @shancock884 in #996
- Mode:add Plane AUTOLAND mode by @Hwurzburg in #1002
- handle logs using fast rate control by @andyp1per in #973
- DFReader: change to python3 only by @tridge in #1003
- Mavgen WLua: Pass unix time as integer to by @shancock884 in #997
- Generator: python: set display bitmask based on enum if no value is provided directly by @IamPete1 in #1006
- mavwp: display DO_LAND_START paths as different edge colours and no "to" edge by @peterbarker in #1005
- Update mavgen_c to python3 by @jmackay2 in #1000
New Contributors
- @Hwurzburg made their first contribution in #1002
- @jmackay2 made their first contribution in #1000
Full Changelog: v2.4.42...v2.4.43
What's Changed
- mavextra: fixed distance_two(GPS,XKF1[0]) by @tridge in #893
- mavutil: Do not use unknown messages to calculate number of lost packets by @joshanne in #891
- [Java] Use longs for values too big to store in int by @abroekhof in #744
- mavschema.xsd - max, min, increment on fields by @hamishwillee in #811
- Mavgen WLua: Updates to displayed field values in Wireshark by @shancock884 in #896
- Mavutil: Output updates to dump_message_verbose by @shancock884 in #892
- mavutil: cope with enum entry rename by @peterbarker in #898
- fix MAVProxy dump command on .log files by @peterbarker in #899
- mavparm: allow param load of files containing 0x hex values by @peterbarker in #901
- fix close function in DFReader by @juri117 in #902
- mavextra: correct radian conversion in distance_lat_lon function by @shancock884 in #903
- Fix condition data discarding when --meta is set by @amilcarlucas in #908
- DFReader_text: some meta-data dicts are indexed by bytes instead of str by @shancock884 in #906
- VER messages should not be affected by --condition nor --reduction by @amilcarlucas in #910
- mavparm: only look for 0x in strings by @peterbarker in #907
- DFReader: Read unit data from log and add dump_verbose function to DFMessage by @shancock884 in #911
- mavlogdump: CSV option: Don't cut out messages with same timestamp by @shancock884 in #912
- Tools: fix mlog attribute in mavplayback by @Szymon-SR in #917
- MavSchema: Allow 64-bit enum values to be specified by @shancock884 in #915
- CI: Use pytest<=7.4.4 as 8.0.0 will not run the tests by @shancock884 in #918
- mavparm: fixed mavset with float by @tridge in #923
- Mavschema: Allow enum values to be powers of 2 by @shancock884 in #920
- Mavgen JS: Heartbeat message mavlink_version should be automaticlly completed by @shancock884 in #926
- mavlogdump: show clear error message when mat_file arg is missing by @shancock884 in #928
- mavlogdump: Use sys.exit instead of quit on error by @shancock884 in #930
- Mavgen JS: Add require('buffer') statement to allow JS output to work in React Native by @shancock884 in #919
- mavutil: Raise ValueError instead of exiting by @Newbytee in #931
- DFReader: Create DFMetaData class to handle logger metadata by @shancock884 in #929
- generator/ honour MDEF from environment in dynamic generation by @peterbarker in #617
- tools: added by @tridge in #938
- add bitmask data to verbose print output by @peterbarker in #937
- mavgen: cope with python 3.12 by @tridge in #941
- Javascript: Fix wrong crc calculation by @alehed in #940
- use fastcrc if available by @tridge in #943
- Mavgen WLUA: Fix incorrect display of negative ints on mac by @shancock884 in #944
- mavschema - 1E2 for scaled unitless values by @hamishwillee in #894
- Fixed typo by @ShafiqSadat in #945
- Add multiplier value for GPS_STATUS.satellite_azimuth where 255 means 360deg by @shancock884 in #885
- Mavgen WLua: Handle multiplier attribute in XML parser by @shancock884 in #946
- DFReader: Fix some missing bitmask info in dump verbose by @shancock884 in #947
- WLua: Handle LUA error with %Z date format on Windows by @shancock884 in #950
- don't skip data for cores other than 0 by @peterbarker in #954
- emit enumeration value name when verbose-dumping by @peterbarker in #955
- generator: remove written-only bufferIndex state by @peterbarker in #570
- Mavutil: fix wrong sysid_state update from sysid mismatch by @khancyr in #960
- mavgen: always report generator errors in the exit code by @MaEtUgR in #952
- A simple "Print flight controller banner statustext message contents"… by @amilcarlucas in #962
- mavutil: add WebSocket Server mavlink_connection type by @IamPete1 in #967
- mavutil: import websocket libs in init function by @peterbarker in #970
- mavutil: correct processing of zero-length logs by @peterbarker in #966
- DFReader: add support for float16 in BIN files by @peterbarker in #971
- Add mavftp library and example code that uses it by @amilcarlucas in #957
- mavutil: WebSockets: fix wsproto import for newer python versions by @IamPete1 in #975
- cope with imp module being removed in 3.12 by @peterbarker in #978
- mavwp: mark re.match pattern as regex string by @peterbarker in #977
- Update MavFTP code, add MavFTPfs example/tool by @Williangalvani in #979
- .github: Use / as a file path separator by @amilcarlucas in #986
- return None if nan passed as new value to lowpass by @peterbarker in #987
- added example by @tridge in #988
- mavlogdump: added some more messages for --meta by @tridge in #989
- added a tool that combines 2 logs into one by @tridge in #993
- allow specification of which message to actually plot by @peterbarker in #992
- explicit error if trying to replay a .BIN file by @peterbarker in #985
- Generator: Lua: add support for checksum on decode by @IamPete1 in #983
New Contributors
- @joshanne made their first contribution in #891
- @abroekhof made their first contribution in #744
- @juri117 made their first contribution in #902
- @Szymon-SR made their first contribution in #917
- @Newbytee made their first contribution in #931
- @ShafiqSadat made their first contribution in #945
- @MaEtUgR made their first contribution in #952
Full Changelog: v2.4.41...v2.4.42
What's Changed
- mavfft_pid: allow PID target and error frequencies to be visualized by @andyp1per in #850
- Fix Wireshark dissector and add snapshot tests by @rotu in #817
- tools: added by @tridge in #853
- examples: added by @tridge in #857
- Fix bitshifting issue on 8bit AVR boards when using msgid > 255 with generated C libs by @WildWilly37 in #848
- mavgen_c: added XXX_encode_status bindings by @tridge in #858
- mavextra: added RotateMag by @tridge in #859
- mavutil: Add circle mode for rover by @stephendade in #827
- DFReader: recognise VER.BU for build type by @tridge in #865
- Generator: Lua: allow strings by @IamPete1 in #868
- rotmat: added more euler 321 and 312 functions by @tridge in #870
- generators: js: fix sinon dependency to 15.2.0, add node tests by @Williangalvani in #875
- mavutil: fixed multicast on windows by @tridge in #876
- tools: fix by @tajisoft in #871
- sertotcp: auto-reopen serial port by @tridge in #879
- Mavgen WLua: Support 64-bit flag fields by @shancock884 in #886
- mavschema - Typo 10E5 should be 1E5 by @hamishwillee in #884
- tools: Add option to to return exit code if generation fails by @nexton-winjeel in #863
- Mavgen WLua: Add param units to display by @shancock884 in #856
- github: test against Python 3.11 by @peterbarker in #888
- fixed mavplayback and split by @tridge in #890
New Contributors
- @WildWilly37 made their first contribution in #848
- @shancock884 made their first contribution in #886
Full Changelog: v2.4.40...v2.4.41
What's Changed
- Generator: Lua: update to generate script that passes AP's luacheck by @IamPete1 in #826
- .github: remove 2.7 from workflows by @peterbarker in #833
- build(deps): bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /generator/javascript by @dependabot in #843
- build(deps): bump semver from 5.7.1 to 5.7.2 in /generator/javascript by @dependabot in #840
- add vtol mode mapping by @tajisoft in #823
- build(deps-dev): bump word-wrap from 1.2.3 to 1.2.4 in /generator/javascript_stable by @dependabot in #842
- add close method to binary reader by @stasostyk in #845
- Split off MissionItemProtocol from WPLoader, use it for fence and rally by @peterbarker in #351
- mavutil: add RTL mode for Blimp by @MichelleRos in #851
New Contributors
- @stasostyk made their first contribution in #845
Full Changelog: 2.4.39...v2.4.40
What's Changed
- generator: add support for relative path to lua mavlink module by @bugobliterator in #806
- WLUA - add new port for WSL 18570 by @hamishwillee in #808
- Commit line ending changes required to make checkouts clean by @peterbarker in #810
- Fix mavlink Lua Generator for ardupilot lua comments and add it to test script by @bugobliterator in #818
- mavextra: added earth_accel for bin logs by @tridge in #819
- XSD: MAV_CMD missionOnly attribute by @hamishwillee in #821
Full Changelog: 2.4.38...2.4.39
What's Changed
- mavgen_python: Add python3 target with type annotations by @alehed in #666
- Use strings for char array mavlink fields again by @alehed in #747
- Improve to_string and x25crc by @alehed in #748
- generator/C: fix node test in CI by @julianoes in #752
- gpslag: cope with GPS instances by @tridge in #763
- mavextra: updated mag field tables by @tridge in #764
- migrate CI node from 12 to 16 as 12 is deprecated by @davidbuzz in #753
- fix EOF error for cpp11 by @spectre-solutions in #761
- Fix mavutil.mavtcpin not closing the accept()ed port on close() by @maranov in #760
- build(deps): bump Newtonsoft.Json from 11.0.1 to 13.0.2 in /generator/CS by @dependabot in #758
- Generator for Ada language by @python36 in #755
- build(deps): bump decode-uri-component from 0.2.0 to 0.2.2 in /generator/javascript by @dependabot in #765
- build(deps): bump minimatch and mocha in /generator/javascript by @dependabot in #767
- mavutil: add force option to reboot_autopilot method by @peterbarker in #757
- mavutil: do not consider MAV_AUTOPILOT_INVALID to be a vehicle heartbeat by @peterbarker in #769
- generator-C: added last_status field for signing by @tridge in #774
- Generator C: remove set but not used variable by @khancyr in #775
- Fix for when signing disabled by @holden-zenith in #781
- Fix the format of the output result of by @wshon in #749
- mavutil: Return mode as 'Mode(msg.custom_mode)' for high-latency streams by @dernatsch in #779
- mavextra: cope with more Lat/Lon/Lng combinations by @tridge in #785
- mavutil: fixed MavlinkSerialPort wrapper for python3 by @tridge in #787
- generator: lua generator for ardupilot lua scripting by @bugobliterator in #786
- tools: add mavmerge to merge two tlogs by timestamp by @peterbarker in #790
- tools: print progress in magfit_WMM by @kd0aij in #788
- fix typos, cyles -> cycles, autonmous -> autonomous by @christianrauch in #784
- mavutil: do not consider MAV_AUTOPILOT_INVALID to be a vehicle heartbeat by @peterbarker in #794
- mavgen: check for missing enums by @tridge in #800
- Devenv by @khancyr in #798
- DFReader: added support for adding new messages to bin logs by @tridge in #804
- mavextra: removed cache from earth field calculations by @tridge in #805
New Contributors
- @spectre-solutions made their first contribution in #761
- @maranov made their first contribution in #760
- @holden-zenith made their first contribution in #781
- @wshon made their first contribution in #749
- @dernatsch made their first contribution in #779
- @christianrauch made their first contribution in #784
Full Changelog: v2.4.37...2.4.38
What's Changed
- schema - Add Ampere-hours units by @hamishwillee in #739
- correct fatal error when stringifying FILE messages by @peterbarker in #741
Full Changelog: 2.4.36...v2.4.37
What's Changed
- Fix python2 support due to… by @khancyr in #724
- mavschema: add nanoseconds by @julianoes in #721
- mavutil: add DOCK mode to rover by @shiv-tyagi in #729
- fix average(v, k, N) function by @peterbarker in #732
- mavftpdecode: fixed handling of defaults by @tridge in #733
- don't die when handling bytestrings in dataflash logs by @peterbarker in #731
- tests: reformat XML by @peterbarker in #735
- Disable mavnative by default by @khancyr in #728
- Tools: Magfit: throttle based by @IamPete1 in #717
- DFReader: extract defaults from 4.3.x logs by @tridge in #737
- DFReader: fixed defaults handling by @tridge in #738
- mavwp: use is_location attribute of WP commands by @tridge in #740
New Contributors
- @shiv-tyagi made their first contribution in #729
Full Changelog: 2.4.34...2.4.36
What's Changed
- mavgen_python: Reformat output by @alehed in #662
- build(deps): bump ansi-regex from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /generator/javascript by @dependabot in #675
- build(deps): bump ansi-regex from 4.1.0 to 4.1.1 in /generator/javascript_stable by @dependabot in #676
- build(deps): bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /generator/javascript by @dependabot in #656
- DFReader: provide MAV message for log metadata by @peterbarker in #648
- XSD Validate - name attributes must not have whitespace by @hamishwillee in #652
- build(deps): bump minimist from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 in /generator/javascript_stable by @dependabot in #657
- build(deps): bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 in /generator/javascript_stable by @dependabot in #667
- build(deps): bump async from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 in /generator/javascript by @dependabot in #668
- mavutil: add comments describing units in location object by @peterbarker in #680
- tests: add test for mavwp library by @peterbarker in #682
- mavextra: added terrain helper functions by @tridge in #686
- mavutil: handle instances as strings in tlogs by @tridge in #690
- mavschema: add litres to acceptable units by @peterbarker in #692
- allow "map XKF1" in MAVExplorer by @tridge in #693
- Fix Wireshark parsing logic by @rotu in #671
- mavfft_isb: add triple notch option and pre+post filter logging by @andyp1per in #699
- mavgen: add has_location to EnumEntry and use it when generating Pyth… by @peterbarker in #697
- Feature/add metadata to Java MAVLink message class fields by @rrr6399 in #694
- mavextra: added model to predict current from PWM by @tridge in #707
- mavutil: fixed length parsing error for mavlink2 pkts by @tridge in #711
- Make the mavfft_isb accessible to other programs by @Gone4Dirt in #712
- Fix/type error by @dforsi in #709
- mavgen_python: Multiple improvements and bug fixes by @alehed in #664
- mavlogdump: added --reduce-rate msg by @tridge in #708
- create local for m.get_type() by @peterbarker in #681
- Create pyproject.toml by @davidbuzz in #719
- Update requirements.txt by @davidbuzz in #718
New Contributors
- @alehed made their first contribution in #662
- @rotu made their first contribution in #671
- @rrr6399 made their first contribution in #694
Full Changelog: 2.4.30...2.4.33