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Parametric Property Sets

Jan Brouwer edited this page Apr 6, 2021 · 1 revision

You can export your own Property Sets to IFC using the SketchUp feature Dynamic Components.

Normally Dynamic Component attributes are exported into a special Ifc Property Set "SU_DynamicAttributes". But the IFC manager exporter has a special rule that can be used to create your own property sets.

It looks for dynamic component attributes with a name that starts with "Pset_" or "CPset_" (C is for custom, propertysets starting with "Pset_" are reserved for official BuildingSmart Property Sets).

Then it splits the name on the last "_" it finds and uses the first part of the name as Property Set name and the last part as Property Name. So for example "Pset_ProvisionForVoid_Depth" becomes Property Set "Pset_ProvisionForVoid" with property "Depth".

And the really cool thing is that the depth will be parametric when you configure the Dynamic Component right. Using the scale tool you can modify depth and diameter!

Check out this example collection: Basis-USO-Uniforme-Sparingsopgave

dynamic_property_sets dynamic_property_sets_output

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