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Installation and Administration Guide : Appendix 1 Unix manual : bifernoctl

sandrobilbeisi edited this page Jun 15, 2012 · 27 revisions

WikiInstallation and Administration GuideAppendix 1 Unix manual: bifernoctl


bifernoctl — The biferno control program


bifernoctl { start | stop | restart | reload | flush | version }

bifernoctl -s [ start | stop ]


The bifernoctl is a front end to the bifernod daemon that allows the system administrator to control the Biferno daemon subsystem. The Biferno daemon subsystem consists of two processes, the bifernod Biferno language interpreter, and the bifernoctl process itself, which runs in the background monitoring the bifernod daemon and will restart it automatically if necessary. The bifernoctl command provides an administration interface for both processes (see Options). bifernoctl returns 0 (zero) if it could successfully complete its operation, a positive integer otherwise.


  • no options

    When invoked without options, bifernoctl applies the command provided on the command line to the bifernod daemon. The start, stop, restart, reload, and flush commands are supported.

  • start

    Starts bifernod

  • stop

    Stops bifernod

  • restart

    Restarts bifernod. This is equivalent to a stop (if bifernod is running), followed by a start.

  • reload

    Reloads bifernod. The effect of a reload is described in the Biferno user guide.

  • flush

    Flushes the bifernod cache.

  • version

    Print the version of the bifernod program and exit.

  • -s

    When invoked simply with the -s option and no other arguments on the command line, bifernoctl will start a copy of itself to run in the background as a sentinel process monitoring the health of the bifernod and restarting it automatically if necessary.

    One of the following commands can follow the -s option:

    • start

      Starts bifernoctl as a sentinel process. Same as -s with no command.

    • stop

      Stops the bifernoctl sentinel process.



See Also