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Managing XML documents with Biferno

sandrobilbeisi edited this page Jun 17, 2012 · 24 revisions

The xmlDoc and xmlNode Classes

Wiki ▸ Managing XML documents with Biferno

Valerio Ferrucci Tabasoft Sas

Table of Contents

  1. xml Extension

    1.1. Versions and Requirements

    1.2. Installation

    1.3. Compiling from sources

  2. Opening and Validating

  3. Navigating the tree of a document

  4. Creating a New XML Document

  5. SetTreeFromString Method

  6. Processing Instruction

  7. Errors References


Thank to the new Biferno xmlDoc class it is now possible to open, create, modify and validate XML documents. Besides, it is also possible to navigate their hierarchical structure and to get/set content and attribute values combining xmlDoc with the other Biferno XML class, xmlNode. xmlDoc and xmlNode are declared by the xml Biferno extension.

The first version of the xml extension available to developers is 1.1 and is packaged together with Biferno 1.1 (usually Tabasoft extensions have the same versions of the package they are distributed with). Biferno >= 1.1 is required to use the xml extension.

xml is based on the libxml2 cross-platform library.

The extension is available to Linux, Windows and MacOSX developers. A MacOS classic version will not be delivered.

To use Biferno xml you need access to a computer (Linux, Windows or MacOSX operating system) with the following installed:

  • Biferno version >= 1.1

  • on Linux and MacOSX: libxml2 (on Windows the library is statically linked into the extension binary)

Information and downloads for libxml2 can be found at:

The xml extension must be in the Extensions folder of BifernoHome. The exact location depends on the platform:

  • Linux: /home/BifernoHome/Extensions/ The xml RPM installation package (available from Biferno 1.1) installs it to the right location and no additional operations are needed.

  • MacOSX: /Users/BifernoHome/Extensions/ The Biferno (>= 1.1) installer/updater copies it to the right location and no additional operations are needed.

  • Windows: [Program Files]/Biferno/BifernoHome/Extensions/xml_bfr.dll. The Biferno (>= 1.1) installer/updater copies it to the right location and no additional operations are needed.

If the xml extension is installed while Biferno is running, a complete reload of Biferno is needed to cause the loading of the new extension. Instructions to do a complete (from console or BifernoCtl) reload of Biferno can be found in [BFRIA].

This section gives useful information to developers who want to recompile the xml biferno extension from sources. If you just want to use the binary extension, skip this section.

+ Linux and MacOSX:

The Makefile is located in: External/xml/Makefile. The libxml folder containing include headers is searched (by default) in the /usr/include/libxml2 folder. You can override this setting passing the INCLUDES variable to the command line, as in:

make INCLUDES=/usr/local/include/libxml2

This assuming that your libxml folder is in /usr/local/include/libxml2.

The library used is on Linux and libxml2.dylib on MacOSX (directive -lxml2), and it is searched in the usual libraries search path (note that this can be overriden by the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable, see "Defining Environment Variables for Biferno" in [BFRIA]).


The xml extension is not compiled by default in the Biferno.dsw workspace. To compile it open the project: External/xml/xmlVC/xmlVC.dsw and build the extension.

The libraries needed are:


and they must be in the same folder as the other VisualC libraries.

The include directories to add to the search path for your environment (in tool->options->directories) are:

[path containing the lib folders]\LIBXML2-[version].WIN32\INCLUDE
[path containing the lib folders]\ICONV-[version].WIN32\INCLUDE
[path containing the lib folders]\ZLIB-[version].WIN32\INCLUDE

for example, on my system the paths are:


(I downloaded the libraries in the C:\PROGRAM FILES\ folder).

Visit to obtain the needed libraries for Windows building.

We can open an existing and valid xml document just using the constructor of xmlDoc:

void xmlDoc(string filepath)

The only parameter needed is a file path (following Biferno conventions) of an XML document. For example, suppose that we have the following document (named "jclass.xml") in the same folder of the script calling the xml constructor (as an example we use a Biferno man page as our first XML document):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE bifdoc SYSTEM "">
<class implem="c">
	<purpose><par>Calling java code from Biferno</par></purpose>
	<descr><par>Documentation will be soon available</par></descr>
	<note><par>Available for Linux, 
	MacOSX and Windows from Biferno version 1.1</par></note>
<method static="no" visibility="public" varargs="yes">


myDoc = xmlDoc("jclass.xml")

can lead us to two different results:

If the document validates, the call completes successfully. In this way we have instantiated a new variable of class xmlDoc pointing to the "jclass.xml" document.

If the document doesn't validate an error Err_DocumentParseFailed (of the class xmlDoc) is thrown.

(for the notion of Validation, please refer to [XMLNS]).

To avoid validation errors stopping the script execution we could use the error.Resume and error.Suspend biferno commands (see [BFRLG]). A better solution, nevertheless, is to verify validation before calling the constructor. This can be obtained using the static method ValidateFile:

static string ValidateFile(string path)

The path parameter is the location of the document that must be checked for validity and the return value depends on the validation result. If the return value is empty (""), it means that the document is valid, otherwise the error message returned by the validator is returned.

As an example, let us remove the tag at line 12 of our document (so that the tag doesn't close properly). We can check that the return string of ValidateFile in this case is:

/Library/WebServer/Documents/jclass.xml:24: parser error :
Opening and ending tag mismatch: pclass line 12 and method

/Library/WebServer/Documents/jclass.xml:25: parser error : 
Opening and ending tag mismatch: method line 11 and bifdoc

/Library/WebServer/Documents/jclass.xml:26: parser error : 
Premature end of data in tag bifdoc line 3

Could not parse document /Library/WebServer/Documents/jclass.xml

To avoid the script breaking in case of validation failure, we could write code similar to the following:

if NOT(valMsg = xmlDoc.ValidateFile("jclass.xml"))
	myDoc = xmlDoc("jclass.xml")
	$"File doesn't validate. Error: " + valMsg
  1. Navigating the tree of a document

After we have created an xmlDoc variable, we can navigate the document tree starting from the root element using the root property:

myDoc = xmlDoc("jclass.xml")

The output of the script is:


This tells us that the root node of the document is the bifdoc node. Note that the root property, as expected, returns a variable of class xmlnode.

Each node has a name and a content. The name can be accessed by the name property and it is used as the string representation of an xmlNode object. The content is stored in the content property.

As the DOM (Document Object Model, see [XMLNS]) dictates, each node in a document can have 0 or more nodes in a deeper level (children) and 0 or more nodes at the same level. These can be reached in Biferno using the children and next properties of xmlNode. In particular, the children property returns the first child of the node it is called upon. The other children can be obtained calling next on the node returned by the children property.

As an example, we examine the following code that prints the names of all the nodes contained in our "jclass.xml" document:

function Print(string str, int indent)
	for (i = 0; i < indent; i++)
	$str + "\r\n"
function WalkOnNodes(xmlNode cur, int indent)
		Print(, indent)
		if (cur.children)
			WalkOnNodes(cur.children, indent + 1)
	} while(cur =
myDoc = xmlDoc("jclass.xml")
Print(myDoc.root, 0)
WalkOnNodes(myDoc.root.children, 1)

The program starts from the root node, then calls the WalkOnNodes function on the root's children. WalkOnNodes prints the names of the children. Besides, it calls itself recursively if the current node has other children. The indenting is only for display purpose.

When there are no more nodes, the next property returns a null node. The code above exploits this behaviour in order to know when to exit from the while loop (xmlNode.children also returns a null node when no more nodes are available).

Despite the simplicity of the code (due to the recursive structure), its output looks a little more complicated than one would expect:


The complication arises from the fact that a text node is always present between tags. After the bifdoc node (tag) we have a text node (whose content is just a return/line feed character). Then we have the class node. It has childrens: text (the characters before ), name (that has a text child: the string "jclass"), text (the characters preceeding ), purpose (that has two children), and so on.

All xml documents can be “navigated” with the previous code and all the nodes can be inspected.

The attributes of a node can be read with the call:

string GetAttr(string attrName)

and content of nodes can be accessed via the property:

string content

All the properties of the xmlNode class are read-only.

To create an XML document from scratch we can use the static method:

static void New(string version)

This method creates a new XML document in memory. The version parameter is optional (if empty the string “1.0” is used) and the document is initially empty. We should at least add a root element to it. This can be done using the method:

xmlNode NewRoot(string name)

that adds a new root node with name name and returns an xmlNode variable pointing the node just added

It's time to see an example:

myNewDoc = xmlDoc.New("1.0")
root = myNewDoc.NewRoot("bifdoc")
myNewDoc.Save("jclass_new.xml", "ISO-8859-1", true)

This program creates an empty XML doc, adds a root element to it and saves it to disk. The Save method:

int Save(string path, string encoding, boolean indent)

writes the file on disk in the path location. The value of the encoding parameter (optional) is written in the xml declaration. If the indent parameter is true, the xml tags are written to the file indented with N tabulator, where N is the children-level of the tag. The file created by this code ("jclass_new.xml") is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

We can add a DTD (“Document Type Definition”) declaration to the XML document using the following method:

void ExtSubset(string rootName, string publicID, string systemID)

The three parameters are: the root name ("bifdoc" in our case), the public ID and the system ID of the DTD (see [XMLNS] for details about public IDs and system IDs). Let's add the DTD declaration to our code:

myNewDoc = xmlDoc.New("1.0")
root = myNewDoc.NewRoot("bifdoc")
myNewDoc.ExtSubset("bifdoc", , 
myNewDoc.Save("jclass_new.xml", "ISO-8859-1", true)

Consequentely, our document becomes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE bifdoc 
	PUBLIC "" "">

Now let's add a root child to our document with name class, with an attribute implem with value c and four children: name, purpose, descr and note. The last three also have one children each named para (yes, we are trying to rebuild our initial file "jclass.xml" from scratch!).

myNewDoc = xmlDoc.New("1.0")
root = myNewDoc.NewRoot("bifdoc")
myNewDoc.ExtSubset("bifdoc", , 

classNode = root.NewChild("class")
classNode.NewAttr("implem", "c")

nameNode = classNode.NewMixedChild("name", "jclass")

purposeNode = classNode.NewChild("purpose")
purposeContentNode = purposeNode.NewMixedChild("par", 
	"Calling java code from Biferno")

descrNode = classNode.NewChild("descr")
descrContentNode = descrNode.NewMixedChild("par", 
	"Documentation will be soon available")

noteNode = classNode.NewChild("note")
noteContentNode = noteNode.NewMixedChild("par", "Available for Linux, 
        MacOSX and Windows from Biferno version 1.1")

myNewDoc.Save("jclass_new.xml", "ISO-8859-1", true)

With the xmlNode method:

void NewAttr(string attrName, string attrContent)` We can add an attribute to a node. The two xmlNode methods:

xmlNode NewChild(string name)
xmlNode NewMixedChild(string name, string content)

add new nodes to the document. The new nodes are children of the node the method is called upon. The first method adds a node with no text content (it contains only other nodes), the second can be used to add a node together with text content. In the same way we can add a root element to a document (having text content or not) using one of the two methods:

xmlNode NewRoot(string name)
xmlNode NewMixedRoot(string name, string content)

The document saved by our last code is:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE bifdoc PUBLIC "" 
  <class implem="c">
      <par>Calling java code from Biferno</par>
      <par>Documentation will be soon available</par>
      <par>Available for Linux, 
        MacOSX and Windows from Biferno version 1.1</par>

The SetTreeFromString method from the xmlNode class allows a string containing xml markup to be added to an XML document, as another node's child.

Let's return to the initial simple code:

myNewDoc = xmlDoc.New("1.0")
root = myNewDoc.NewRoot("bifdoc")
myNewDoc.ExtSubset("bifdoc", , 
myNewDoc.Save("jclass_new.xml", "ISO-8859-1", true)

This code creates the document:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE bifdoc
	PUBLIC "" "">

Now suppose that we already have the string:

<class implem="c">
      <par>Calling java code from Biferno</par>
      <par>Documentation will be soon available</par>
      <par>Available for Linux, 
        MacOSX and Windows from Biferno version 1.1</par>

and we want to add it to the document in one step. The following code will do just that:

myNewDoc = xmlDoc.New("1.0")
root = myNewDoc.NewRoot("bifdoc")
myNewDoc.ExtSubset("bifdoc", , 
xmlstring = '<class implem="c">
      <par>Calling java code from Biferno</par>
      <par>Documentation will be soon available</par>
      <par>Available for Linux, 
        MacOSX and Windows from Biferno version 1.1</par>
classNode = root.SetTreeFromString(xmlstring, &errorMsg)
myNewDoc.Save("jclass_new.xml", "ISO-8859-1", true)

The content of the xmlstring string is processed and the corresponding nodes are added to the document, obtaining the same document we obtained at the end of the previous section.

In order to obtain this, the content of xmlString must validate in the current document context. If this is not the case an error Err_ParseMemoryFailed is thrown and the errorMsg variable contains a message explaining the reason of validation failure.

The xmlNode method:

xmlNode NewPI(string name, string content)

adds a Processing Instruction node (see [XMLNS]) to the document and returns an xmlNode variable pointing to the node just added.

As an example, the following code adds a processing instruction node (an xsl-stylesheet) to our document:

myNewDoc = xmlDoc.New("1.0")
root = myNewDoc.NewRoot("bifdoc")
piNode = root.NewPI("xml-stylesheet", 
	'href="../web/sp2html.xsl" type="text/xsl"')
myNewDoc.ExtSubset("bifdoc", , 
myNewDoc.Save("jclass_new.xml", "ISO-8859-1", true)

so that our document becomes:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE bifdoc PUBLIC "" 
<?xml-stylesheet href="../web/sp2html.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>

7. Errors

xmlDoc methods and properties can throw the following errors:

Err_DocumentParseFailed: Is returned by the xmlDoc constructor when the XML document pointed to by the path parameter is not a valid XML file (this error is related to libxml2's xmlParseFile failing).

Err_EmptyDocument: If an XML document is empty, accessing the root property causes this error.

Err_SaveFailed: The error is thrown when the Save method fails. Generally this is related to folder permissions, make sure that the biferno user has permission to create files in the folder containing the file specified by the path parameter. This error is related to libxml2's xmlSaveFormatFileEnc failing.

Err_NewDocumentFailed: the New method can throw this error in case of failure. This error should arise only when not enough memory remains on the system to create the new document in memory (this error is related to libxml2's xmlNewDoc failing).

Err_NewDTDFailed: this error is thrown by the ExtSubset method when the DTD declaration can not be added to the document (this error is related to libxml2's xmlNewDtd failing).

Err_AddChildFailed: can be caused by NewRoot, NewMixedRoot or ExtSubset when the corresponding children node (the root or the external subset, i.e. the DTD node) can not be added (this error is related to libxml2's xmlAddChild failing).

Err_AddPrevSiblingFailed: can be thrown by ExtSubset when libxml2's xmlAddPrevSibling method, used to add the node as first node of the document, fails.

Err_NewDocNodeFailed: can be thrown by NewRoot or NewMixedRoot when the new root node could not be added (this error is related to libxml2's xmlNewDocNode failing).

The xmlNode methods and properties can throw the following errors:

Err_NullNode: is thrown when a method is applied on a null node or a property of a null node is requested.

Err_CantCreateAttribute: is thrown by NewAttr when libxml2's xmlNewProp fails.

Err_CantCreateNode: thrown by NewChild, NewMixedChild or NewPI when libxml2's xmlNewChild or xmlNewPI fails.

Err_UTF8ConversionFailed: strings are always encoded to UTF-8 before being passed to the libxml2 library. This error is thrown when the encoding fails (the isolat1ToUTF8 function is used)

Err_IsolatinConversionFailed: strings returned by the libxml2 library are always decoded to ISOLATIN before being returned to the user. This error is thrown when the decode fails (the UTF8Toisolat1 function is used)

Err_DocGetRootElementFailed: this error is thrown by SetTreeFromString if an error occurred while attempting to get the root element of the XML tree created from the xmlstring parameter (libxml2's xmlDocGetRootElement failed).

Err_AddChildFailed: this error is thrown by SetTreeFromString if an error occurred while attempting to add the new tree (created from the xmlstring parameter) to the node the method is applied to (libxml2's xmlAddChild failed).

Err_CopyNodeFailed: this error is thrown by SetTreeFromString when an error occurred while attempting to create a copy of the root node of the tree (created from the xmlstring parameter) in order to add it to the node the method is applyed to (libxml2's xmlCopyNode failed).

Err_ParseMemoryFailed: this error is thrown by SetTreeFromString when an error occurred while validating the xmlstring parameter (libxml2's xmlParseMemory failed).

Err_AddPrevSiblingFailed: can be thrown by NewPI when the libxml2's xmlAddPrevSibling, used to add the processing instruction node as first node, failed.


[BFRLG] Biferno Language Guide Tabasoft S.a.s. [BFRIA] Biferno Installation and Administration Guide Tabasoft S.a.s. [XMLNS] XML in a nutshell A Desktop Quick Reference Elliotte Rusty Harold W. Scott Means O'Reilly [XMLAS] XML The Annotated Specification Bob DuCharme Prentice Hall PTR

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