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Releases: Bloodbat/SanguineMutants


28 Feb 18:28
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  • Vimina: clock division factor not reaching "8".


27 Feb 12:37
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  • Scalaria: crashing on Apple and Linux.

  • Scalaria: outputs sometimes getting stuck at -5V.

  • Scalaria: faceplate tag did not follow the conventions of the rest of the modules.

  • Scalaria: imperceptible lights on Apple.

  • Mutuus: algorithm light was set 8 more times than it needed to be.


  • Anuli: strummer light now follows selected display channel.


  • Scalaria: darker background for shaped lights (they look better that way).

  • Plugin: adjust button LED intensity (it was too low).

  • Plugin: small performance tweaks for most modules.


20 Oct 06:19
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Nightly Pre-release

For those who like living on the edge. Features and module behavior are prone to change without notice.


26 Feb 06:06
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New Modules


An expander for Apices that provides CV parameter modulation, inspired by the Rainier module.


An expander for Mortuus that provides CV parameter modulation, inspired by the Rainier module.


A polyphonic Moog inspired ladder filter from the original Symbiote firmware for Mutable Instruments' Warps.


  • Funes LPG lights.

  • Velamina saturator threshold.

  • Explorator Plumbago faceplate.

  • Sync mode for the Aestus family should only be updated when it has changed in the front-end, not when processing every block.

  • Nodi family: signature waveshaper and oscillator drift are not boolean settings: they have a range of values.

  • Nodi family: restore LFO modes and prevent them from crashing with divisions by zero.

  • Nodi family: quantizer scale tooltips.

  • Temulenti: FM knob control of Two Drunks' gate durations now works as described in the manual (it was inverted).

  • Anuli: don't ignore module generated strums when dealing with strum light state.

  • Nebulae family: LEDs sometimes getting "stuck" on temporary display modes.


  • Marmora: Ability to reset generators from the context menu.

  • Marmora: Ability to reseed random generator from the context menu.

  • Marmora: Ability to set user defined random generator seeds (state) from the context menu.

  • Marmora: show selected loop length in knob's tooltip.

  • Anuli: Optionally tune to a C when frequency knob is centered.

  • Etesia: CV control for Reverse parameter.

  • Aestus family: tune the modules to C4 when the Frequency knob is centered (can be disabled for compatibility).

  • Funes: attenuverter for Harmonics CV.

  • Funes: CV control with attenuverters for lowpass gate response and decay.

  • Funes: LED lights for custom data state.

  • Aleae: hint Trigger 2 is normalled to Trigger 1 in the faceplate.

  • Nodi family: use different Signature Wave Shaper seeds per module instance (user controllable).

  • Nodi family: ability to select scales from the context menu.


  • Themes: group options under a submenu.

  • Marmora: reorganize menu.

  • Marmora: faceplate label tweaks.

  • Marmora: rework faceplate to make usage easier.

  • Anuli: reorganize faceplate and make it cleaner.

  • Anuli: change the polyphony knob's tooltip to be congruent with the nomenclature used in the manual.

  • Nodi family: faceplate tweaks.

  • Nodi family: processing tweaks.

  • Nodi family: reorganize menu.

  • Apices family: faceplate tweaks.

  • Mortuus: further ByteBeats tweaks.

  • Aestus: PLL/Clocked mode tweaks.

  • Aestus family: faceplate tweaks.

  • Aleae family: faceplate tweaks.

  • Funes: rework faceplate to make it both more compact and more attractive.

  • Funes: LGP LED displays start at the center lights instead of the rightmost ones (it looks prettier and makes more sense for the horizontal arrangement).

  • Nebulae family: faceplate tweaks.

  • Incurvationes family: faceplate tweaks.


23 Oct 22:32
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  • Marmora X clock source tooltips.


21 Oct 19:22
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  • Improve Marmora performance.


  • Vimina stops generating multiplied clocks when the source clock stops.


17 Oct 21:15
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New Modules


Based on MI's Tides, it fixes PLL mode, separates it from the clock input; restores switching banks using the clock input when module is using the Sheep firmware; fixes the inverted "Mode" light colors; fixes the broken "High" and "Low" outputs, and, hopefully, fixes a long-standing crash that occurs under specific circumstances.


Based on the Parasite firmware for MI's Tides: includes every Aestus fix, additionally: restores functionality when using the clock input in Two Bumps or Two Drunks modes; Sheep model can be used.


A polyphonic dual clock divider, multiplier and swinger based on the Twigs firmware for MI's Branches.


  • Polyphony for Incurvationes, Distortiones and Mutuus, active channels are shown using rows of LEDs around the INT. OSC. button.

  • Polyphonic indicator LED lights show the current algorithm for every channel in Incurvationes.

  • Polyphonic indicator LED lights show the current mode for every channel in Distortiones and Mutuus.

  • Direct or note CV per channel mode selection for Anuli, Distortiones and Mutuus.

  • Per channel "Meta-modulation" is always available for Nodi and Contextus: the FM input always does FM.

  • Nebulae, Etesia and Fluctus always sum polyphonic input channels, per the voltage standards.

  • Ability to select the channel to show in the display for Anuli, Funes, Nodi and Contextus.

  • Ability to select the channel to show in Aleae's LEDs.

  • Note preview for played notes when editing scales in Marmora.

  • Output attenuator/amplifier for Nebulae family.


  • Anuli's channel counter is gone, replaced by a row of LEDs at the top that show active channels and their selected modes.

  • Separate Sanguine Mutants and Sanguine Monsters in the browser.

  • Remove "Out" port label and use a "1 x 2" one that is closer to hardware faceplates for Incurvationes, Distortiones and Mutuus.

  • Input voltage scaling for Incurvationes, Distortiones and Mutuus (your old patches may be too loud! Adjust input gain).

  • Dim LED button's light intensity a little.

  • Performance tweaks.

  • Disable "LFO" range in Nodi and Contextus.

  • Funes menu: reorder; better wording for custom data entries; make menu smarter: only show custom data entries when a Model that can load custom data is selected.


  • Anuli's Modal Resonator display label.

  • Make Anuli's Disastrous Peace mode respect polyphony.

  • Output port nut colors for Nebulae family.


01 Oct 23:04
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  • Theme support for existing modules with two available options: "Vitriol" the usual, colorful faceplate or "Plumbago" a black as night variation.

  • Polyphonic ports are now show with golden jacks.

  • Nodi and Contextus show the selected mode by name in the knob's tooltip.

  • Funes' menu is prettier and includes an entry to visit the data editors.

  • A pretty circle of LEDs that show the selected mode for Distortiones and Mutuus.


  • Plugin no longer crashes Rack Pro when it is used as a guest of hosts such as Reaper and Ableton and patches are loaded.

  • Plugin no longer crashes Rack when used headless.

  • Etesia, Fluctus and Nebulae LEDs are no longer as prone to get stuck in parameter mode when fiddling with the knobs.

  • Faceplate tweaks to prevent rendering errors.

  • Apices' and Mortuus' inputs follow the hardware spec more closely.

  • Mortuus ByteBeats are more stable and every equation is interesting again.

  • Display rendering order.


  • Etesia and Distortiones use the Parasites lib internally instead of MI's one.

  • Better module tags, some are from modulargrid, others from functions I know they have (and now you should too :))

  • Funes' Harmo input move to a location less prone to confusion (also, a connecting line has been added between the port and the Harmonics knob).