Theme support for existing modules with two available options: "Vitriol" the usual, colorful faceplate or "Plumbago" a black as night variation.
Polyphonic ports are now show with golden jacks.
Nodi and Contextus show the selected mode by name in the knob's tooltip.
Funes' menu is prettier and includes an entry to visit the data editors.
A pretty circle of LEDs that show the selected mode for Distortiones and Mutuus.
Plugin no longer crashes Rack Pro when it is used as a guest of hosts such as Reaper and Ableton and patches are loaded.
Plugin no longer crashes Rack when used headless.
Etesia, Fluctus and Nebulae LEDs are no longer as prone to get stuck in parameter mode when fiddling with the knobs.
Faceplate tweaks to prevent rendering errors.
Apices' and Mortuus' inputs follow the hardware spec more closely.
Mortuus ByteBeats are more stable and every equation is interesting again.
Display rendering order.
Etesia and Distortiones use the Parasites lib internally instead of MI's one.
Better module tags, some are from modulargrid, others from functions I know they have (and now you should too :))
Funes' Harmo input move to a location less prone to confusion (also, a connecting line has been added between the port and the Harmonics knob).