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1.4 Attributes

Oscar Gilberto Medina Cruz edited this page May 6, 2017 · 1 revision


You can configure your DrawView from layout or directly from java code.

For configuring from layout, use a custom attributes.

app:dv_draw_alpha="255" : the transparency of the draw color

app:dv_draw_anti_alias="true" : use the anti alias value for the draw

app:dv_draw_color="@color/colorAccent" : the color using for the draw

app:dv_draw_corners="round" : the corners of the line we are drawing. This value can be butt, round, or square.

app:dv_draw_dither="true" : use the dither value for the draw

app:dv_draw_font_family="default_font" : the font family used for draw the text. This value can be default_font, monospace, sans_serif, or serif.

app:dv_draw_font_size="12" : the font size.

app:dv_draw_mode="draw" : defines the draw mode of the view, you can draw, add some text or erase the current content. This value can be draw, text, or eraser,.

app:dv_draw_style="stroke" : defines the draw style of the view, you can draw with a fill style, with a stroke or with a combination of both. This value can be fill, fill_stroke, or stroke.

app:dv_draw_tool="pen" : defines the draw tool that be used for draw. This value can be pen, line, rectangle, or circle.

app:dv_draw_width="4" : The current with of the draw.

dv_draw_enable_zoom="true" : Enable the zoom for the drawview.

dv_draw_max_zoom_factor="15": Assign the max zoom factor for the drawview

dv_draw_zoomregion_scale="4" : Assign the scale of the mini draw preview

dv_draw_zoomregion_minscale="4" : Assign the minimum scale of the mini draw preview

dv_draw_zoomregion_maxscale="4" : Assign the maximum scale of the mini draw preview

From java code

Or if you prefer, assign the values using java methods.

         .setDrawWidth((int) newPaint.getStrokeWidth())

I use a new Paint instance and read all the attributes from that, but you can assign it directly.