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2.3 Save content

Oscar Gilberto Medina Cruz edited this page May 6, 2017 · 5 revisions

Save current drawing

For save the current drawing you have 2 options for response:

// For returning a bitmap as response

// For returning a byte array as response

This is used as paramether in DrawView method


This will return an Object array with the image (in bitmap or bytes format) in the position 0 and a image format (JPG, PNG) in the position 1. The format is automatically calculated, depending if you have a solid background or transparent one.

And you can do wathever you want with the response. In my case, I used in a custom dialog for save the bitmap in device.

SaveBitmapDialog saveBitmapDialog = SaveBitmapDialog.newInstance();
Object[] createCaptureResponse = mDrawView.createCapture(DrawingCapture.BITMAP);
saveBitmapDialog.setPreviewBitmap((Bitmap) createCaptureResponse[0]);
saveBitmapDialog.setOnSaveBitmapListener(new SaveBitmapDialog.OnSaveBitmapListener() {
    public void onSaveBitmapCompleted() {
        Snackbar.make(mFabActions, "Capture saved succesfully!", 2000).show();

    public void onSaveBitmapCanceled() {
        Snackbar.make(mFabActions, "Capture saved canceled.", 2000).show();
});, "saveBitmap");

Save current drawing with DrawCameraView

If you are using DrawCameraView, you need to send it as an extra parameter to DrawView.

mDrawView.createCapture(DrawingCapture.BITMAP, mDrawCameraView.getCameraView());

Dialog example