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Classifai V1 to V2 Data Migration Guide

Sum Yin Chuang edited this page Jun 25, 2021 · 5 revisions

ClassifAI v2 alpha is released!

ClassifAI v2.0.0 alpha1 is released with many new features enabled!

Migrating V1 Data to V2

Now, each project in v2.0.0 alpha1 only contains images in a single folder. This will cause the existing projects with multiple folders imported invalid in v2.

Therefore, we have built a data migration script that will assist you when you are converting your v1 ClassifAI data to v2.

There are 2 scenario users might face:

  1. Project that only consists of images from only a single folder.

  2. Project that consists of images from multiple folders.

Project with Images from Single Folder

The data migration will be done for you automatically.

Project with Images from Multiple Folders

1. Projects those are detected with multiple folders import will be prompted in a window named Project Path Reconfiguring. image

Component details:

  1. Project Type: Project is BOUNDINGBOX / SEGMENTATION.
  2. Project Name: The name of the project.
  3. Migrate Button: Migrate Button, click to select new project path.
  4. Migration Status: Status shows project migration status.

2. Initially, the project status will be not migrated.


3. To migrate a project, click the migrate button to select the new project path, and we will copy the images into the selected path.


4. If a new project path is selected, it will be reflected in the Project Path Reconfiguring window image

5. Click OK and the migration will be done!



  1. You will see ClassifAI Launcher shows up.


  1. All images in projects will be copied to the selected paths.


To skip a certain project for migration, leave the path empty and the project will be skipped.

Revert back to V1

  1. If you decided to hold back from migrating to v2, click the cancel button to stop the process.


  1. You will see a message prompted as below.


  1. Uninstall ClassifAI v2 and reinstall back ClassifAI v1.


For more support, contact [email protected]. Thank you.

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