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Shorten Command Line

Evan Yeoh Boon Khai edited this page Feb 26, 2021 · 5 revisions

Step-by-step Solutions to Shorten Command Line for a Particular File

  1. Go to task bar and hover over "Run".
  2. Click "Edit Configurations"


  1. Click the cell beside "Shorten command line"
  2. Select "classpath file"


  1. Click "Apply" and then "OK"
  2. Rerun the script. The script should be successfully compiled and run without this error.

Step-by-step Solutions To Shorten Command Line by Default

  1. Go to task bar and hover over "Run".
  2. Click "Edit Configurations"


  1. On left navigation bar, click "Templates" > "Application, and click the dropdown button beside "Shorten command line" and select "classpath file"


3.1 If your interface is this, click the Modify options and select Shorten command line image (2)

  1. Click "Apply" and then "OK"
  2. Rerun the script. The script should be successfully compiled and run without this error. This should shorten command line by default for other scripts too.