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The Scoreboard

Christian "Krissy" Silvermoon edited this page Jun 14, 2019 · 9 revisions

The Scoreboard

The Strawberry Pack uses The Scoreboard for information storage.

Here is a list of all scoreboards used by The Strawberry Pack.

Objective Purpose
sp_var Stores Gamerules and other variables
sp_x Player's X Coordinate
sp_y Player's Y Coordinate
sp_z Player's Z Coordinate
sp_warp Trigger for Warp System
sp_WarpX Player's Saved X Coordinate for Warp System
sp_WarpY Player's Saved Y Coordinate for Warp System
sp_WarpZ Player's Saved Z Coordinate for Warp System
sp_sneak Tracks Sneaking Players
sp_bunnykills Tracks how horrible of a person you are many bunnies you've killed