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The Scoreboard

ChristianSilvermoon edited this page Nov 13, 2018 · 9 revisions

The Scoreboard

The Strawberry Pack uses The Scoreboard for information storage.

Here is a list of all scoreboards and scoreboard data used by The Strawberry Pack

Scoreboard | Name | Contains | Purpose | Modified by | Used By --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- sp_var | seed | World Seed | Unused | strawberry:load | Unused sp_var | arrowShatter | 0 or 1 | Game Rule | strawberry:load, strawberry:gamerule/arrows_shatter/true, strawberry:gamerule/arrows_shatter/false | strawberry:tick sp_var | playerCount | A Number | Tracks number of players online | stranberry:tick | strawberry:tick sp_var | navInfo | 0 or 1 | Game Rule | strawberry:load, strawberry:gamerule/nav_info/true, strawberry:gamerule/nav_info/false | strawberry:tick sp_x | player | X Coordinate | Coordinate Tracking | strawberry:tick | strawberry:nav_info sp_y | player | Y Coordinate | Coordinate Tracking | strawberry:tick | strawberry:nav_info sp_z | player | Z Coordinate | Coordinate Tracking | strawberry:tick | strawberry:nav_info