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Collin Heist edited this page Dec 19, 2023 · 6 revisions


These cards feature a prominent logo, with the index and title text above and below. A calligraphy font is utilized for all text, and a grain / paper texture is added (by default) to the image. It is recommended to use this with some blurred or grayscale styling.

This card type is used whenever card_type is specified as calligraphy.




Valid extras

Below is a table of all valid series extras parsed by this card. These are described in greater detail below.

Label Default Value Description
add_texture true Whether to add a the "grain" texture overlay
randomize_texture true Whether to randomly reposition the texture overlay (for each Card)
episode_text_color Matches font color Color to utilize for the episode text
episode_text_font_size 1.0 Scalar of the size of the episode text
offset_titles true Whether to apply a hanging offset to multi-line titles
separator - Character to separate the season and episode text (if enabled)
logo - Logo
logo_size 1.0 Scalar of the size of the logo (if enabled)
deep_blur_if_unwatched true Whether to apply a "deep" blur for blurred, unwatched Episodes
shadow_color black Color of the drop shadow for all text


Texture Toggle

By default a grain/paper texture is composited atop of all images. This can be disabled via the add_texture extra, for example:

  Breaking Bad (2008):
    card_type: calligraphy
      add_texture: false

Texture Randomization

By default, the texture overlay is "randomized" (by scaling the image size by a random value) so that each image appears marginally different from each other. This can be disabled via the randomize_texture extra, for example:

  Breaking Bad (2008):
    card_type: calligraphy
      randomize_texture: false

Customizing the Episode Text


The color of the episode text defaults to match the title font color, but can be adjusted via a series extra, for example:

  Breaking Bad (2008):
    card_type: calligraphy
      episode_text_color: skyblue

Font Size

Size to scale the episode text by. This can be less than 1.0 to shrink the text, and greater than 1.0 to enlarge the text. For example:

  Breaking Bad (2008):
    card_type: calligraphy
      episode_text_font_size: 1.08 # Increase by 8%

Title Offseting

By default, TCM will apply a "hanging" indent to all multi-line title text (if possible given the exact title lengths). This can be disabled with the offset_titles extra, for example:

  Breaking Bad (2008):
    card_type: calligraphy
      offset_titles: false

Below is a comparison of the same Card made with title offsets enabled (the default); and with offsets disabled:

Separator Character

The character between the season and episode text (a.k.a. the separator) can also be customized. By default, a - character is used. This can be changed as a series extra, like so:

  Breaking Bad (2008):
    card_type: calligraphy
      separator: ""

Logo File

The path to the logo file to place in the center of the Card. This can be specified as a variable logo that depends on the season and episode number.

  Breaking Bad (2008):
    card_type: calligraphy
      logo: ./source/Breaking Bad (2008)/logo.png # Explicit logo
      logo: ./source/Breaking Bad (2008)/logo{season_number}.png # Per-season logo file

Logo Size

Size to scale the logo by. This can be less than 1.0 to shrink the logo, and greater than 1.0 to enlarge the logo.

For example, this scales the logo to 115% of the original size:

  Breaking Bad (2008):
    card_type: calligraphy
      logo: ./source/Breaking Bad (2008)/logo.png
      logo_size: 1.15

Shadow Color

A drop shadow is added to the logo and all text on this card. By default, this shadow is black, but can be recolored. The color of the logo shadow is not affected.

For example, this sets the shadow color to #dec175 (a gold to match the Jujutsu Kaisen logo).

  Jujutsu Kaisen (2020):
    card_type: calligraphy
      file: ./fonts/Jujutsu Kaisen.ttf
      shadow_color: "#dec175"
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