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Collin Heist edited this page Jun 13, 2023 · 9 revisions


This style of title card is based off the official Devilman Crybaby title cards (see here). It features large roman numerals indicating the episode number just behind the title.

If enabled, season titles are 'randomly' place around the roman numerals. The logic for this is very complicated, and described in greater detail here.

This card type is used whenever card_type is specified as roman or roman numeral.




Valid extras

Below is a table of all valid series extras parsed by this card. These are described in greater detail below.

Label Default Value Description
background black Background color to utilize for the card's background
roman_numeral_color #AE2317 Color to utilize for the roman numerals
season_text_color rgb(200, 200, 200) Color to utilize for the season text

How to Use


This card uses extras data within a series YAML file. It is optional to adjust the color of the roman numerals to something other than the default red (#AE2317), or to change the background color. The title font color can be set via the typical font color specification. An example of this is shown below.


The following example showcases how to specify a custom background and roman numeral color.

Tower of God (2021):
  card_type: roman
    color: black
    background: white
    roman_numeral_color: "#4489C2"

This results in a card like:

Changing the Roman Numerals

By default, the roman numerals are generated by using the episode text with an episode_text_format of {episode_number}, but if you'd like the roman numerals to reflect the absolute numbering of an episode, specify the episode text format like so:

episode_text_format: "{abs_number}"

Roman numerals above 3,999 cannot be created (as the roman numerals utilize over line characters), so the numerals will cap out at 3,999.

NOTE: For particularly long-running series, the roman numeral text can become quite long (such as CCCLXXXIII), and so some wrapping/font size modification is used. See here for details.

Roman Numeral Fitting

Because of how spacey roman numerals can become for some numbers (like 843 = DCCCXLIII), the Maker wraps very long numerals and adjusts their size to fit the screen. This is done automatically, and is not adjustable via the font size (or any) specification.

An example of scaling the size and spacing of the roman numerals is shown below:

Season Titles

This card's implementation of season titles is quite a bit different than other cards, as the season titles are randomly placed for each card. This means that if you created the "same" title card twice, odds are the season text would be placed differently between them.

Each time the card is created, TCM randomly selects a roman numeral, and then randomly selects a position around that roman numeral. These positions are hard-coded relative to each letter, and examples of all possible positions are shown below. This random position is then checked to make sure it does not overlap the title text, or extend beyond the bounds of the image - if it does, a new position is chosen (this is repeated up to 10 times).

Possible Season Title Positions


This algorithm works even for very long roman numerals that span multiple lines - for example:

long roman numeral
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