- pip install -r requirements.txt 1.5 Adjust hyper.yaml
- python3 train.py train.py -> Controls Pytorch Lighnting General Training model.py -> Supervised Model Logic, in Pytorch Lighnting
utils/yaml/XX.yaml configurations utils/utils e.g. loading model, yaml etc. utils/loss e.g. loss loaders utils/augmentations augmentations used
(3.) With a .ckpt model the model can be tested via python3 train.py --mode test
Models Available:
- "resnet18"
- "resnet34"
- "resnet50"
- "vit_small_patch16_224"
Augmentations Available (Code inside ./utils/augmentations.py):
- "no_augmentations"
- "normalization"
- "GeometricAugmentation"
- "ColorAugmentation"
- "ColorAugmentationsChannel"
Losses Available:
- "binary_cross_entropy_with_logits"
- "binary_cross_entropy"
- "cross_entropy"
Changed Torchmetrics.BinaryAccuarcy _safedivide to cpu!!