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[ENG] Сhange capes in Main Menu

Disguys edited this page Oct 22, 2022 · 18 revisions

⚠️ In version 1.7 this mod has been removed.

Follow the instructions below.

  1. Open options.
  2. Open controls.
  3. Find parameter mod FancyMenu "Toggle Customization Overlay" and put the best key for you.

(default key z | means click CTRL + ALT + Z in main menu).

  1. Find and click button "Current Menu".

  1. Click the following buttons "Layouts" > "Manage Layouts" > "menu" > "Edit".

  1. Click RCM on your skin and click buttons "Set Cape" > "Local Texture".

  1. Click button "Choose File".

  1. Go to the following path config > fancymenu > capes.
  2. Select the cape file you need and click button "Choose".

  1. Click the buttons "Done" > "Layout" > "Save" > "Exit".

  1. We make sure that the raincoat in the main menu has been changed, after which we close the "Customization Overlay" with the same keyboard shortcut.

- List of all available capes for main menu.

See also:

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