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[ENG] Update ModPack through MultiMC Launcher

Disguys edited this page Sep 3, 2022 · 2 revisions

⚠️ MultiMC Launcher does not support automatic modpack updates.

Follow the instructions below.

  1. Save the folders you need, for example:
  • saves - To save your worlds.
  • config - To save the settings of your mods.
  • resourcepacks - To save your resource packs (but, do not save the built-in resource packs in the modpack).
  • screenshots - To save your screenshots.
  • servers.dat - To save your servers.
  • options.txt - To save your options.
  1. Optionally, delete the old version of the instance.
  2. On the top left, click «Add Instance».
  3. Select a site «Modrinth».
  4. Enter in the search «Valmata», after which select the version of the modpack that suits you and install her.
  5. Transfer the folders that you saved to the new version of the modpack.


⚠️ At moment, there is an error with Modrinth modpacks in MultiMC.

Default, the latest version is always downloaded, even if you have selected a different version of the modpack.

In this case, you can download the version of the modpack suitable for you on the website Modrinth, after which import the modpack from the archive in the MultiMC launcher.


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