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Supported Hardware

Wolfgang edited this page Mar 18, 2024 · 4 revisions


Since there are so many options, only a small amount of boards can officially be supported.

Officially supported boards

The following boards are officially supported and only these boards will receive support from the developer team. These boards are very low in price, have everything you need and are also very small. Perfect for use on any drone.

Other official options

Unofficially supported options

Other non-tested boards that will likely work:

  • AZDelivery DevKit C
  • ESP32-C3-DevKitM-1
  • TinyPICO - ESP32 Development Board - V2
  • Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board

Other ESP boards are very likely to work as well. You don't need any additional PSRAM. You will need a USB to serial adapter for flashing the firmware if your ESP32 board does not come with one. Follow the instructions of the board manufacturer when it comes to wiring the power supply lines. Some modules do not like an external 5V power input connected in addition to a USB at the same time.

The following ESP32 chips are supported:

  • ESP32
  • ESP32S2
  • ESP32S3
  • ESP32C3

Almost any board featuring one of these chips should work. See the wiring and flashing instructions on how to use the unofficially supported options