Picking and delivering parts in an industrial environment with faulty parts/faulty gripper/sensor blackout/moving obstacles
To view previous scenarios and results, please click the link below
- Pradeep Gopal
- Rajesh
- Govind
- Dakota Abernathy
- Cheng Chen
Install Ariac package in your workspace using the steps mentioned in the following link
Ariac Installation Instructions
Follow these instructions to run the package after installing ARIAC
- Copy the package and paste it in /ariac_ws/src
- Open a terminal and type the following commands
- cd /ariac_ws
- catkin build rwa5_group_1
- source devel/setup.bash
- roslaunch rwa5_group_1 rwa5.launch load_moveit:=true
Wait till the terminal says "you can start planning now"
- Open a new terminal and enter the following command to run the node.
- cd /ariac_ws
- source devel/setup.bash
- rosrun rwa5_group_1 rwa5_node