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HTTP Headers

Andrew Yates edited this page Jun 16, 2014 · 4 revisions


Ensembl REST uses a number of HTTP headers in REST to flag various parts of metadata to the user or to allow the user to influence what the REST API does. Understanding these headers is vital to proper usage of the REST API.

Any header starting with a X- is a non-standard header and is used by the REST API to communicate something specific about the service.

Request Headers

Header Type Description Example
Accept MIME Type The required encoding of the response body. Supported in both GET and POST text/x-fasta
Accept-Encoding String Flag that you can handle a compressed response body (gzip or deflate) and will decompress it before using it. Very useful to speed up your transfers gzip, gzip,deflate
Content-Type MIME Type When used in a POST it flags the encoding of the request body only. In GET it flags the required encoding of the response. application/json
Origin URL Specifies an origin domain from which a request is being made. Used with CORS Origin:

Response Headers

Header Type Description Example
Access-Control-Allow-Origin URL Responds with the domains allowed to interact with REST without violating same origin policy. Used with CORS. This defaults to * (we allow any website to script against us). Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
Content-Length Integer Show how long the content is in bytes 14
Content-Type MIME Type The encoding of the response body text/x-fasta
Retry-After Float Sent back when we hit a 429 error and exceed the rate limit. Client should wait for this period before sending another request 1.0232
X-Runtime Float How long the request took to execute on our server 0.0032
X-RateLimit-Limit Integer How many requests you are allowed to execute within a rate limited time period 55000
X-RateLimit-Reset Seconds How long before your limit is reset 700
X-RateLimit-Period Seconds The total length of the rate limited period in 3600
X-RateLimit-Remaining Integer The number of requests you can still make 54999