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🏧 Auto
🏧 Auto
Autonomous Items
🦟™ Bug
🦟™ Bug
Something isn't working
😼 Competitive bot
😼 Competitive bot
High Priority - Needed for competitive robot. Issue should be addressed quickly
📖 Documentation
📖 Documentation
Low Priority - Improvements or additions to documentation
⚡️ Electrical
⚡️ Electrical
Electrical Wiring of the physical robot
⏳ In Progress
⏳ In Progress
Issue that is currently being worked on
‼️ Minimum viable bot
‼️ Minimum viable bot
URGENT - REQUIRED for minimal viable robot. Issue should be addressed immediately
🛠️ Optimizations
🛠️ Optimizations
Medium Priority - Issues addressed after functionality is complete
🤷‍♀️ Optional
🤷‍♀️ Optional
Optional Priority - Issues that don't need to be addressed unless all other issues have be completed
🏗️ Refactoring
🏗️ Refactoring
Low Priority - Issues that don't need to be addressed immediately
🤖 Requires Robot
🤖 Requires Robot
This issue requires a physical robot
💻 Tested in sim
💻 Tested in sim
Code has been tested in Robot Simulation
🤖 Tested on bot
🤖 Tested on bot
Code has been tested on the robot
🛑 Untested
🛑 Untested
Code has not been tested