Releases: FaithLife-Community/OuDedetai
This release aims to fix install issues found in beta 8. The issues found were due to a missing font, Arial. When we refactored our code away from winetricks, we thought our code verified that fonts were properly installed, but that turned out to be a bad assumption. We restored installing the fonts via winetricks, but only Arial, which should maintain most of our speed gains. We also introduced better detection logic so that we don't repeat this error. There are additional bug fixes and a few notable changes.
We continue aiming to have our app be more XDG compliant, so the install dir has moved from a user's home dir to the standardized: ~/.local/share/FaithLife-Conmunity
We also store a copy of the config file in the install dir now to increase portability.
Alpine systems will no longer attempt to install the Wine AppImage, which is not built with muslc and doesn't work with gcompat.
Users will also be confronted with an Agree to EULA when attempting to run passive installs to make sure we respect FaithLife and honor the 8th commandment.
Logos 9 support has been removed.
- 4.0.0-beta.9
- Change default install dir to $XDG_DATA_HOME/FaithLife-Community/oudedetai (this will be ~/.local/share/FaithLife-Community/oudedetai on most systems). To restore the old behavior:
export INSTALLDIR=$HOME/LogosBible10
(#323) [T. H. Wright] - Fixes crash in "Copy Bible Verse" and when first hitting "Continue" due to missing arial font (#335) [N. Shaaban]
- Adds WINEDEBUG flags when --debug cli argument is passed (#346) [N. Shaaban]
- Fixes typo in default WINEDEBUG (#326) [T. H. Wright]
- Respects DIALOG even when specifying --install-app (#332) (useful for snap/flatpak) [N. Shaaban]
- Remove Logos 9 support (#322 #53) [T. H. Wright, N. Marti, N. Shaaban]
- Remove support for alpine appimage - use system wine instead. (#294) [T. H. Wright]
- Fixes disappearing TUI lines when window is somewhat small (#303) [T. H. Wright]
- Write a second copy of the config file into install_dir (#327) [T. H. Wright]
- Wraps GUI progress bar messages (#336, #312) [N. Shaaban]
- Ensures user agrees to the faithlife EULA when -y or --passive is passed (#241, #331) [N. Shaaban]
- Fixes bug where "Install" button stays greyed out on first install (#333, #334) [N. Shaaban]
- Start adding unittests (#337) [N. Marti]
- Change default install dir to $XDG_DATA_HOME/FaithLife-Community/oudedetai (this will be ~/.local/share/FaithLife-Community/oudedetai on most systems). To restore the old behavior:
Unfortunately this release failed to install successfully and has been yanked
See details here: #335
Original Release notes
We're excited to release beta 8! In addition to a variety of bug fixes, we've also made various optimizations. With this release, we drop winetricks and use our own native calls to wine functions. This speeds up install dramatically! We're talking about jumping from 30+ seconds for some actions to 2 seconds. A nasty bug fixed is one that crashes on certain resource downloads.
The really big news though is that this release adds both a snap definition and a flatpak definition. We still need to add the flatpak to flathub, but the snap is already in snapcraft. These new install options mean we now support every distro where either one of these is supported.
We also now have our own In the future we hope to change this to a flake, but the shell is working even now.
There's also a new TUI color scheme: "System". Rather than overriding your terminal colors, the TUI will accept whatever your terminal has set. It gives the TUI a natural feel.
Update right away!
In general, the project is moving away from getting core functionality working to squashing the last bugs and getting our available installation channels properly set. We see the 4.0.0 release as being on the horizon.
- Fix dynamic linking in subprocess calls. (#292 #293) [N. Shaaban]
- Remove need for manual dependency installation on arch/
alpine/fedora (#143 #236 #293). Alpine still needs to be fixed [N. Shaaban] - Fixes wine binary installations (#286 #288) [N. Marti]
- Removed need for winetricks, and removed it's subcommand. Added a wine subcommand (#254 #170 #177 #258 #267) [N. Marti]
- Fix wine version parsing when wine is compiled manually (#291) [N. Marti]
- Fix setting TUI Color scheme (#259 #297 #278 #302) [T. H. Wright, N. Shaaban]
- Create snap definition (#239 #298) [N. Marti]
- Create a flatpak definition (#309 #307) [N. Shaaban]
- Default downloads to XDG_CACHE_HOME rather than ~/Downloads (#237 #298) [N. Marti]
- Fixes issue where WINE_EXE isn't respect on clean installs (#306) [N. Shaaban]
- Added nix-shell for running from source on NixOS. Desktop shortcuts won't get created. (#306) [N. Shaaban]
- Remove "Running Logos" status message in the TUI so menu is still interactive after starting Logos (#302) [N. Shaaban]
- Handle resize in more cases on the TUI (#304) [N. Shaaban]
You may need to install the cabextract
package from system package manager in order for this release to install successfully.
What's Changed
- fix: resolve resource download issues by @ctrlaltf24 in #283
- fix: wine AppImage updates to v10 by @n8marti in #282
Support for Logos v39+
- Clean installation
- Recovering from failed v38->v39 upgrades
- Since upgrade to versions v39 fail, this release also disables application updates (and automatic resource downloads) when Logos is started from the installer. We hope to have a more comprehensive solution for this in the future, for now we want to keep your install stable.
Misc changes
- Upgrade to wine 10-rc5. Fixes menu bug for some users, as well as fixes an issue installing clean.
- Refactor of code for more robust configuration handling. Legacy configuration keys are migrated, environment variables remain unchanged.
Includes various bug fixes. Prevents installs of Logos 39+.
Other known bug fixes are coming in #206.
This release fixes some issues with ICU files.
Thanks to @ctrlaltf24, we have a lot of regressions fixed with this release. This should help stabilize the program. Its main benefit is fixing #191.
With this release, our project now has a unique name: Ou Dedetai, which comes from the Koine Greek of 2 Tim 2:9, which says that the Word of God is not bound. Since our application installs FaithLife's Logos ("The Word" in Greek) program, it only seemed appropriate to pun this verse by naming ourselves also with Greek ("Not Bound" in Koine is ou dedetai). Our program seeks to unbind Logos (the Program) from Windows so that users may run the software on their operating system of choice.
With this release, we no longer specify ourselves as a Linux-focused piece of software, as our hope is that our software will also run on other non-Linux operating systems, like BSD, once we finish up issues like #14.
This release also permits our application to be installed via pip by converting our project to pyproject.
You can use pip like so as long as you have Python 3.12 available on your system.
python venv .venv/oudedetai
./.venv/oudedetai/bin/pip install ou_dedetai@git+
With this release, we change from Alpha to Beta!
The code is now considered relatively feature complete and stable. As it is beta, bugs are still likely to be found.
There are too many fixes since Alpha 14 to name them all. Here are some highlights:
- Added a Logos state manager to detect when the program is running
- Upgraded the Wine AppImage to 9.19 devel, which resolved some issues we saw
- Fixed numerous graphical issues with the TUI
- Fixed the CLI, which now functions as a complete UI comparable to a single-use TUI or GUI
- Added OpenSUSE Zypper support
- Added a docker build file
This release is primarily aimed at bug fixes and streamlining the dependency installation routines. We uncovered numerous bugs as we went as well as faulty assumptions.
Further, we found issues with both Fedora and Arch install routines that cause them to fail to install their dependencies properly. Our research turned up no fixes for these issues and they will require further research. We have implemented a method for handling these issues, but ultimately the Fedora and Arch user will have to install their dependencies manually. The program should report to the user what command they need to run to accomplish the task.