This release aims to fix install issues found in beta 8. The issues found were due to a missing font, Arial. When we refactored our code away from winetricks, we thought our code verified that fonts were properly installed, but that turned out to be a bad assumption. We restored installing the fonts via winetricks, but only Arial, which should maintain most of our speed gains. We also introduced better detection logic so that we don't repeat this error. There are additional bug fixes and a few notable changes.
We continue aiming to have our app be more XDG compliant, so the install dir has moved from a user's home dir to the standardized: ~/.local/share/FaithLife-Conmunity
We also store a copy of the config file in the install dir now to increase portability.
Alpine systems will no longer attempt to install the Wine AppImage, which is not built with muslc and doesn't work with gcompat.
Users will also be confronted with an Agree to EULA when attempting to run passive installs to make sure we respect FaithLife and honor the 8th commandment.
Logos 9 support has been removed.
- 4.0.0-beta.9
- Change default install dir to $XDG_DATA_HOME/FaithLife-Community/oudedetai (this will be ~/.local/share/FaithLife-Community/oudedetai on most systems). To restore the old behavior:
export INSTALLDIR=$HOME/LogosBible10
(#323) [T. H. Wright] - Fixes crash in "Copy Bible Verse" and when first hitting "Continue" due to missing arial font (#335) [N. Shaaban]
- Adds WINEDEBUG flags when --debug cli argument is passed (#346) [N. Shaaban]
- Fixes typo in default WINEDEBUG (#326) [T. H. Wright]
- Respects DIALOG even when specifying --install-app (#332) (useful for snap/flatpak) [N. Shaaban]
- Remove Logos 9 support (#322 #53) [T. H. Wright, N. Marti, N. Shaaban]
- Remove support for alpine appimage - use system wine instead. (#294) [T. H. Wright]
- Fixes disappearing TUI lines when window is somewhat small (#303) [T. H. Wright]
- Write a second copy of the config file into install_dir (#327) [T. H. Wright]
- Wraps GUI progress bar messages (#336, #312) [N. Shaaban]
- Ensures user agrees to the faithlife EULA when -y or --passive is passed (#241, #331) [N. Shaaban]
- Fixes bug where "Install" button stays greyed out on first install (#333, #334) [N. Shaaban]
- Start adding unittests (#337) [N. Marti]
- Change default install dir to $XDG_DATA_HOME/FaithLife-Community/oudedetai (this will be ~/.local/share/FaithLife-Community/oudedetai on most systems). To restore the old behavior: