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Simplify tests, export BrezziDoublasMarini
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KnutAM committed Dec 2, 2024


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1 parent e528efb commit 3e0ffb2
Showing 4 changed files with 62 additions and 73 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/literate-tutorials/heat_equation_hdiv.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ grid = create_grid(10)
# We define one `CellValues` for each field which share the same quadrature rule.
ip_geo = geometric_interpolation(getcelltype(grid))
ipu = DiscontinuousLagrange{RefTriangle, 0}()
ipq = Ferrite.BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle, 1}()
ipq = BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle, 1}()
qr = QuadratureRule{RefTriangle}(2)
cellvalues = (u = CellValues(qr, ipu, ip_geo), q = CellValues(qr, ipq, ip_geo))
#md nothing # hide
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/exports.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ export

48 changes: 24 additions & 24 deletions src/interpolations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1803,7 +1803,7 @@ dirichlet_facedof_indices(ip::RaviartThomas{3}) = facedof_interior_indices(ip)
function reference_shape_value(ip::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 1}, ξ::Vec{2}, i::Int)
x, y = ξ
i == 1 && return ξ # Flip sign
i == 2 && return Vec(x - 1, y) # Keep sign
i == 2 && return Vec(x - 1, y) # Keep sign
i == 3 && return Vec(x, y - 1) # Flip sign
throw(ArgumentError("no shape function $i for interpolation $ip"))

Check warning on line 1808 in src/interpolations.jl

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1808 was not covered by tests
@@ -1844,17 +1844,17 @@ RefTriangle
function reference_shape_value(ip::RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 2}, ξ::Vec{2}, i::Int)
x, y = ξ
# Face 1 (keep ordering, flip sign)
i == 1 && return Vec(4x * (2x - 1), 2y * (4x - 1)) / 2
i == 2 && return Vec(2x * (4y - 1), 4y * (2y - 1)) / 2
i == 1 && return Vec(4x * (2x - 1), 2y * (4x - 1))
i == 2 && return Vec(2x * (4y - 1), 4y * (2y - 1))
# Face 2 (flip ordering, keep signs)
i == 3 && return Vec(8x * y - 2x - 6y + 2, 4y * (2y - 1)) / 2
i == 4 && return Vec(-8x^2 - 8x * y + 12x + 6y - 4, 2y * (-4x - 4y + 3)) / 2
i == 3 && return Vec(8x * y - 2x - 6y + 2, 4y * (2y - 1))
i == 4 && return Vec(-8x^2 - 8x * y + 12x + 6y - 4, 2y * (-4x - 4y + 3))
# Face 3 (keep ordering, flip sign)
i == 5 && return Vec(2x * (3 - 4x - 4y), -8x * y + 6x - 8y^2 + 12y - 4) / 2
i == 6 && return Vec(4x * (2x - 1), 8x * y - 6x - 2y + 2) / 2
i == 5 && return Vec(2x * (3 - 4x - 4y), -8x * y + 6x - 8y^2 + 12y - 4)
i == 6 && return Vec(4x * (2x - 1), 8x * y - 6x - 2y + 2)
# Cell
i == 7 && return Vec(8x * (-2x - y + 2), 8y * (-2x - y + 1)) / 2
i == 8 && return Vec(8x * (-2y - x + 1), 8y * (-2y - x + 2)) / 2
i == 7 && return Vec(8x * (-2x - y + 2), 8y * (-2x - y + 1))
i == 8 && return Vec(8x * (-2y - x + 1), 8y * (-2y - x + 2))
throw(ArgumentError("no shape function $i for interpolation $ip"))

Check warning on line 1858 in src/interpolations.jl

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1858 was not covered by tests

@@ -1900,14 +1900,14 @@ Edge numbers: | Edge identifiers:
function reference_shape_value(ip::BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle, 1}, ξ::Vec{2}, i::Int)
x, y = ξ
# Edge 1: y=1-x, n = [1, 1]/√2 (Flip sign, pos. integration outwards)
i == 1 && return Vec(4x, -2y) / 2 # N ⋅ n = (2√2 x - √2 (1-x)) = 3√2 x - √2
i == 2 && return Vec(-2x, 4y) / 2 # N ⋅ n = (-√2x + 2√2 (1-x)) = 2√2 - 3√2x
i == 1 && return Vec(4x, -2y) # N ⋅ n = (2√2 x - √2 (1-x)) = 3√2 x - √2
i == 2 && return Vec(-2x, 4y) # N ⋅ n = (-√2x + 2√2 (1-x)) = 2√2 - 3√2x
# Edge 2: x=0, n = [-1, 0] (reverse order to follow Ferrite convention)
i == 3 && return Vec(-2x - 6y + 2, 4y) / 2 # N ⋅ n = (6y - 2)
i == 4 && return Vec(4x + 6y - 4, -2y) / 2 # N ⋅ n = (4 - 6y)
# Edge 3: y=0, n = [0, -1] (Flip sign, post. integration outwards)
i == 5 && return Vec(-2x, 6x + 4y - 4) / 2 # N ⋅ n = (4 - 6x)
i == 6 && return Vec(4x, -6x - 2y + 2) / 2 # N ⋅ n = (6x - 2)
i == 3 && return Vec(-2x - 6y + 2, 4y) # N ⋅ n = (6y - 2)
i == 4 && return Vec(4x + 6y - 4, -2y) # N ⋅ n = (4 - 6y)
# Edge 3: y=0, n = [0, -1] (Flip sign, pos. integration outwards)
i == 5 && return Vec(-2x, 6x + 4y - 4) # N ⋅ n = (4 - 6x)
i == 6 && return Vec(4x, -6x - 2y + 2) # N ⋅ n = (6x - 2)
throw(ArgumentError("no shape function $i for interpolation $ip"))

Check warning on line 1911 in src/interpolations.jl

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1911 was not covered by tests

@@ -1955,38 +1955,38 @@ function reference_shape_value(ip::Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 2}, ξ::Vec{2}, i::In
i == 1 && return Vec(
2 * y * (1 - 4 * x),
4 * x * (2 * x - 1)
) / 2
i == 2 && return Vec(
4 * y * (1 - 2 * y),
2 * x * (4 * y - 1)
) / 2
# Face 2 (flip order and sign compared to defelement)
i == 3 && return Vec(
4 * y * (1 - 2 * y),
8 * x * y - 2 * x - 6 * y + 2
) / 2
i == 4 && return Vec(
2 * y * (4 * x + 4 * y - 3),
-8 * x^2 - 8 * x * y + 12 * x + 6 * y - 4
) / 2
# Face 3
i == 5 && return Vec(
8 * x * y - 6 * x + 8 * y^2 - 12 * y + 4,
2 * x * (-4 * x - 4 * y + 3)
) / 2
i == 6 && return Vec(
-8 * x * y + 6 * x + 2 * y - 2,
4 * x * (2 * x - 1)
) / 2
# Cell
i == 7 && return Vec(
8 * y * (-x - 2 * y + 2),
8 * x * (x + 2 * y - 1)
) / 2
i == 8 && return Vec(
8 * y * (2 * x + y - 1),
8 * x * (-2 * x - y + 2)
) / 2
throw(ArgumentError("no shape function $i for interpolation $ip"))

Check warning on line 1990 in src/interpolations.jl

Codecov / codecov/patch


Added line #L1990 was not covered by tests

84 changes: 36 additions & 48 deletions test/test_interpolations.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -265,9 +265,11 @@ using Ferrite: reference_shape_value, reference_shape_gradient
return val

# TODO: 3D H(curl) not tested for BC (need edge integrals)
Hcurl_interpolations = [Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 1}(), Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 2}()] # Nedelec{3, RefTetrahedron, 1}(), Nedelec{3, RefHexahedron, 1}()]
Hdiv_interpolations = [RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 1}(), RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 2}(), BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle, 1}()]
# Required properties of shape value Nⱼ of an edge-elements (Hcurl) on an edge with direction v, length L, and dofs ∈ 𝔇
# 1) Unit property: ∫(Nⱼ ⋅ v f(s) dS) = 1/length(𝔇) ∀ ∈ 𝔇
# 1) Unit property: ∫(Nⱼ ⋅ v f(s) dS) = 1 ∀ ∈ 𝔇
# Must hold for
# length(𝔇) ≥ 1: f(s) = 1
# length(𝔇) = 2: f(s) = 1 - s or f(s) = s for 1st and 2nd dof, respectively.
@@ -277,7 +279,7 @@ using Ferrite: reference_shape_value, reference_shape_gradient
# 2) Zero along other edges: Nⱼ ⋅ v = 0 if j∉𝔇
@testset "H(curl) on RefCell" begin
lineqr = QuadratureRule{RefLine}(20)
for ip in (Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 1}(), Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 2}(), Nedelec{3, RefTetrahedron, 1}(), Nedelec{3, RefHexahedron, 1}())
for ip in Hcurl_interpolations
cell = reference_cell(getrefshape(ip))
edges = Ferrite.edges(cell)
dofs = Ferrite.edgedof_interior_indices(ip)
@@ -292,7 +294,7 @@ using Ferrite: reference_shape_value, reference_shape_gradient
nedgedofs = length(dofs[edge_nr])
f(x) = nedgedofs == 1 ? 1.0 : (idof == 1 ? 1 - x : x)
s = line_integral(lineqr, ip, shape_nr, x0, Δx, L, v, f)
@test s one(s) / nedgedofs
@test s one(s)
if nedgedofs == 2
g(x) = idof == 1 ? x : 1 - x
@test 1 1 + line_integral(lineqr, ip, shape_nr, x0, Δx, L, v, g)
@@ -322,11 +324,7 @@ using Ferrite: reference_shape_value, reference_shape_gradient
# 2) Zero normal component on other edges: Nⱼ ⋅ n = 0 if j∉𝔇
@testset "H(div) on RefCell" begin
lineqr = QuadratureRule{RefLine}(20)
for ip in (
RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 1}(),
RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 2}(),
Ferrite.BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle, 1}(),
for ip in Hdiv_interpolations
cell = reference_cell(getrefshape(ip))
cell_facets = Ferrite.facets(cell)
dofs = Ferrite.facetdof_interior_indices(ip)
@@ -343,7 +341,7 @@ using Ferrite: reference_shape_value, reference_shape_gradient
nfacetdofs = length(dofs[facet_nr])
f(x) = nfacetdofs == 1 ? 1.0 : (idof == 1 ? 1 - x : x)
s = line_integral(lineqr, ip, shape_nr, x0, Δx, L, n, f)
@test s one(s) / nfacetdofs
@test s one(s)
if nfacetdofs == 2
g(x) = idof == 1 ? x : 1 - x
@test 1 1 + line_integral(lineqr, ip, shape_nr, x0, Δx, L, n, g)
@@ -401,27 +399,28 @@ using Ferrite: reference_shape_value, reference_shape_gradient
nel = 3
hdiv_check(v, n) = v n # Hdiv (normal continuity)
hcurl_check(v, n) = v - n * (v n) # Hcurl (tangent continuity)
transformation_functions = ((Nedelec, hcurl_check), (RaviartThomas, hdiv_check), (Ferrite.BrezziDouglasMarini, hdiv_check))

for CT in (Triangle, QuadraticTriangle, Tetrahedron, Hexahedron)
dim = Ferrite.getrefdim(CT) # dim = sdim = rdim
p1, p2 = (rand(Vec{dim}), ones(Vec{dim}) + rand(Vec{dim}))
grid = generate_grid(CT, ntuple(_ -> nel, dim), p1, p2)
# Smoothly distort grid (to avoid spuriously badly deformed elements).
# A distorted grid is important to properly test the geometry mapping
# for 2nd order elements.
transfun(x) = typeof(x)(i -> sinpi(x[mod(i, length(x)) + 1] + i / 3)) / 10
transform_coordinates!(grid, x -> (x + transfun(x)))
cellnr = getncells(grid) ÷ 2 + 1 # Should be a cell in the center
basecell = getcells(grid, cellnr)
RefShape = Ferrite.getrefshape(basecell)
for order in (1, 2)
for (IPT, transformation_function) in transformation_functions
dim == 3 && order > 1 && continue
IPT == RaviartThomas && (dim == 3 || order > 1) && continue
IPT == RaviartThomas && (RefShape == RefHexahedron) && continue
IPT == Ferrite.BrezziDouglasMarini && !(RefShape == RefTriangle && order == 1) && continue
ip = IPT{dim, RefShape, order}()
cell_types = Dict(
RefTriangle => [Triangle, QuadraticTriangle],
RefQuadrilateral => [Quadrilateral, QuadraticQuadrilateral],
RefTetrahedron => [Tetrahedron],
RefHexahedron => [Hexahedron]

for (ips, check_function) in ((Hcurl_interpolations, hcurl_check), (Hdiv_interpolations, hdiv_check))
for ip in ips
RefShape = getrefshape(ip)
dim = Ferrite.getrefdim(ip) # dim = sdim = rdim
p1, p2 = (rand(Vec{dim}), ones(Vec{dim}) + rand(Vec{dim}))
transfun(x) = typeof(x)(i -> sinpi(x[mod(i, length(x)) + 1] + i / 3)) / 10
for CT in cell_types[RefShape]
grid = generate_grid(CT, ntuple(_ -> nel, dim), p1, p2)
# Smoothly distort grid (to avoid spuriously badly deformed elements).
# A distorted grid is important to properly test the geometry mapping
# for 2nd order elements.
transform_coordinates!(grid, x -> (x + transfun(x)))
cellnr = getncells(grid) ÷ 2 + 1 # Should be a cell in the center
basecell = getcells(grid, cellnr)
@testset "$CT, $ip" begin
for testcell in cell_permutations(basecell)
grid.cells[cellnr] = testcell
@@ -430,8 +429,8 @@ using Ferrite: reference_shape_value, reference_shape_gradient
for facetnr in 1:nfacets(RefShape)
fi = FacetIndex(cellnr, facetnr)
# Check continuity of tangential function value
ITU.test_continuity(dh, fi; transformation_function)
# Check continuity of function value according to check_function
ITU.test_continuity(dh, fi; transformation_function = check_function)
# Check gradient calculation
ITU.test_gradient(dh, cellnr)
@@ -443,34 +442,24 @@ using Ferrite: reference_shape_value, reference_shape_gradient

@testset "Hcurl and Hdiv BC" begin
hdiv_ips = (
RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 1}(),
RaviartThomas{2, RefTriangle, 2}(),
Ferrite.BrezziDouglasMarini{2, RefTriangle, 1}(),
hdiv_check(v, n) = v n

hcurl_ips = (
Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 1}(),
Nedelec{2, RefTriangle, 2}(),
function hcurl_check(v, n::Vec{2}) # 3d not supported yet
t = rotate(n, π / 2)
return v t
for (f, interpolations) in ((hdiv_check, hdiv_ips), (hcurl_check, hcurl_ips))
for (f, interpolations) in ((hdiv_check, Hdiv_interpolations), (hcurl_check, Hcurl_interpolations))
for ip in interpolations
ip isa Nedelec && Ferrite.getrefdim(ip) == 3 && continue # skip 3d nedelec
@testset "$ip" begin
RefShape = Ferrite.getrefshape(ip)
CT = typeof(reference_cell(RefShape))
dim = Ferrite.getrefdim(CT) # dim=sdim=vdim
#grid = generate_grid(CT, ntuple(Returns(2), dim), - rand(Vec{dim}), rand(Vec{dim}))
grid = generate_grid(CT, ntuple(Returns(2), dim), -Vec((-0.25, -0.25)), Vec((0.2, 0.2)))
qr = FacetQuadratureRule{RefShape}(4)
fv = FacetValues(qr, ip, geometric_interpolation(CT))
dh = close!(add!(DofHandler(grid), :u, ip))
for bval in (1.0,) #(0.0, 1.0)
for side in ("left",) # "right", "top", "bottom")
for bval in (0.0,) # TODO: Currently only zero-valued BC supported
for side in ("left", "right", "top", "bottom")
a = zeros(ndofs(dh))
ch = ConstraintHandler(dh)
add!(ch, Dirichlet(:u, getfacetset(grid, side), Returns(bval)))
@@ -489,8 +478,7 @@ using Ferrite: reference_shape_value, reference_shape_gradient
test_val += f === hdiv_check ? val : abs(val)
@show (test_val, test_area)
#@test abs(test_val - test_area * bval) < 1.0e-6
@test abs(test_val - test_area * bval) < 1.0e-6

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