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Tiger Sachse edited this page Sep 29, 2020 · 11 revisions


The ezrassor_teleop_actions package allows users to send pre-defined commands to the EZRASSOR. This functionality is useful to simulate real-life teleoperation over an unstable or delayed connection, such as teleoperation between Earth to Mars. The teleop_action_server node processes incoming goals (commands) and sends feedback at each iteration of execution until the goal is achieved or the action is interrupted.


The following is a list of topic inputs and outputs, with each topic's type shown in brackets:

node <- /gazebo/link_states [gazebo/LinkStates]
node <- /teleop_action_server [ezrassor_teleop_msgs/Teleop]

node -> wheel instructions topic configured at launch [geometry_msgs/Twist]
node -> front arm instructions topic configured at launch [std_msgs/Float32]
node -> back arm instructions topic configured at launch [std_msgs/Float32]
node -> front drum instructions topic configured at launch [std_msgs/Float32]
node -> back drum instructions topic configured at launch [std_msgs/Float32]



This message holds the goal information for the EZRASSOR.

# TeleopGoal
string MOVE_FORWARD_OPERATION=move-forward
string MOVE_BACKWARD_OPERATION=move-backward
string ROTATE_LEFT_OPERATION=rotate-left
string ROTATE_RIGHT_OPERATION=rotate-right
string RAISE_FRONT_ARM_OPERATION=raise-front-arm
string LOWER_FRONT_ARM_OPERATION=lower-front-arm
string RAISE_BACK_ARM_OPERATION=raise-back-arm
string LOWER_BACK_ARM_OPERATION=lower-back-arm
string DUMP_FRONT_DRUM_OPERATION=dump-front-drum
string DIG_FRONT_DRUM_OPERATION=dig-front-drum
string DUMP_BACK_DRUM_OPERATION=dump-back-drum
string DIG_BACK_DRUM_OPERATION=dig-back-drum
string STOP_OPERATION=stop
string operation (any of the above constants)
float64 duration (time in seconds)

# TeleopResult
float64 x (from link states)
float64 y (from link states)

# TeleopFeedback
string heading
float64 x (from link states)
float64 y (from link states)



This script validates incoming goals from a file, maps them to a valid goal object, then sends each goal to the action server in the correct order.

Launch Files


This launch file spins up an action server for a single robot. This node is configured via arguments at launch which are passed to the node as namespaced ROS parameters. All possible arguments are listed below:

The topic that wheel instructions are published to.
The topic that front arm instructions are published to.
The topic that back arm instructions are published to.
The topic that front drum instructions are published to.
The topic that back drum instructions are published to.


Launch the actions server like so:

roslaunch ezrassor_teleop_actions teleop_action_server.launch \
  wheel_instructions_topic:=wheel_instructions \
  front_arm_instructions_topic:=front_arm_instructions \
  back_arm_instructions_topic:=back_arm_instructions \
  front_drum_instructions_topic:=front_drum_instructions \

Then send actions from the Python interpreter:


> from ezrassor_teleop_actions import TeleopActionClient
> client = TeleopActionClient()
> actions = ["move-forward 5.0", "move-backward 5.5"]
> client.validate(actions)
> client.send_movement_goal(actions)

Or send actions from file:

rosrun ezrassor_teleop_actions process_actions /path/to/my-actions-file

Example actions file:

# Comments start with the pound sign
move-forward 5.1
move-backward 4.4
dig-front-drum 2.0

Note that you may have to change the namespace of your terminal if you're trying to send commands to an action server that is under a namespace. You can do this by setting the ROS_NAMESPACE variable before you execute your client command like so:

export ROS_NAMESPACE=<insert namespace>