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Snakemake workflow for TitanCNA_SV_WGS_tumorOnly

Modules to load (for users of Hutch)

  • ml snakemake/5.19.2-foss-2019b-Python-3.7.4
  • ml R/3.6.2-foss-2019b-fh1
  • ml Python/3.7.4-foss-2019b-fh1
  • ml BCFtools/1.9-GCC-8.3.0
  • ml Pysam/0.15.4-GCC-8.3.0-Python-3.7.4
  • ml PyYAML/5.1.2-GCCcore-8.3.0-Python-3.7.4

Software packages or libraries (for users outside of Hutch)

Please see

Requires to install ichorCNA from our GavinHaLab github

Requires to install TitanCNA



Please specify the samples to be analyzed in config/samples.yaml, following the format explained therein.


There are a number of parameters to adjust in config/config.yaml. Filepaths to where your TitanCNA and ichorCNA repository as well as the filepath to tools (samTools, bcfTools, svaba) and readCounterScript.

Running the snakemake workflows on slurm cluster

snakemake -s TitanCNA.snakefile --latency-wait 60 --restart-times 3 --keep-going --cluster-config config/cluster_slurm.yaml --cluster "sbatch -p {cluster.partition} --mem={cluster.mem} -t {cluster.time} -c {cluster.ncpus} -n {cluster.ntasks} -o {cluster.output}" -j 30

snakemake -s svaba.snakefile --latency-wait 60 --cluster-config config/cluster_slurm.yaml --cluster "sbatch -p {cluster.partition} --mem={cluster.mem} -t {cluster.time} -c {cluster.ncpus} -n {cluster.ntasks} -o {cluster.output}" -j 30

snakemake -s combineSvabaTitan.snakefile --latency-wait 60 --keep-going --restart-times 3 --cluster-config config/cluster_slurm.yaml --cluster "sbatch -p {cluster.partition} --mem={cluster.mem} -t {cluster.time} -c {cluster.ncpus} -n {cluster.ntasks} -o {cluster.output}" -j 30

Whole Exome Sequencing Analysis

The tumor-only pipeline can be applied to whole exome sequencing (WES) data. This pipeline is applicable for 2 scenarios:

  1. There is only a single normal sample that was processed and sequenced identically as the tumor samples of interest.
  2. There are a set of normal samples that was processed and sequenced identically as the tumor samples. The normal samples may or may not be patient-matched to the tumor samples.

There are 3 main steps to set up this analysis.

1. Create a Panel Of Normals (PoN)

Make sure to use the updated version of the R script

  1. Create WIG Files

Create a WIG file for each sample in your PoN.

(Example) with 50kb bin size

/path/to/readCounter --window 50000 --quality 20 \
	    --chromosome "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,X,Y" \
	    /path/to/normal.bam > /path/to/normal.wig
  1. Generate PoN

Use the createPanelOfNormals.R script provided in the scripts directory of ichorCNA to generate your PoN.

As input, this script takes a file that has the path to each WIG file you'd like to use in your panel (one per line, no header).


Rscript createPanelOfNormals.R 
     --filelist /path/to/wig_files.txt \
     --gcWig /path/to/gc.wig --mapWig /path/to/map.wig 
     --repTimeWig /path/to/repTiming.wig \
     --centromere /path/to/centromeres_file.txt \
     --exons.bed /path/to/WES_target.bed \
     --libdir /path/to/ichorCNA \
     --outfile my_new_pon

--filelist - file containing a list of the paths to all the normals in the panel to analyze

--gcWig - GC Wig file for reference genome (e.g. ichorCNA/inst/extdata/gc_hg38_50kb.wig)

--mapWig - Mappabiliy Wig file for reference genome (e.g. ichorCNA/inst/extdata/map_hg38_50kb.wig)

--repTimeWig - Rep Time Wig file for reference genome (e.g. ichorCNA/inst/extdata/Koren_repTiming_hg38_50kb.wig)

--centromere - File containing Centromere locations (e.g. GRCh38.GCA_000001405.2_centromere_acen.txt)

--exons.bed - Specify the exon target bed file

Must use gc/map/repTime wig file corresponding to same binSize matching to window size above (/path/to/readCounter --window).

2. Set config.yaml parameters

  • Specify the exon target bed file
ichorCNA_exons: WES_target.bed

  • Specify the newly created PoN file
ichorCNA_normalPanel: my_new_pon.rds

3. Use normalpanel parameter from ichorCNA.snakefile

  • Uncomment following line

    #normalpanel=config["ichorCNA_normalPanel"], #skip normal panel, not available for 10kb

  • Make sure to add --normalPanel {params.normalpanel} to here

    "Rscript {params.rscript} --id {} --libdir {params.libdir} --WIG {input.tum} --gcWig {params.gcwig} --mapWig {params.mapwig} --repTimeWig {params.repTimeWig} --sex {} --ploidy \"{params.ploidy}\" --normal \"{params.normal}\" --maxCN {params.maxCN} --includeHOMD {params.includeHOMD} --chrs \"{params.chrs}\" --chrTrain \"{params.chrTrain}\" --genomeStyle {params.genomeStyle} --genomeBuild {params.genomeBuild} --estimateNormal {params.estimateNormal} --estimatePloidy {params.estimatePloidy} --estimateScPrevalence {params.estimateClonality} --scStates \"{params.scStates}\" --centromere {params.centromere} --exons.bed {params.exons} --txnE {params.txnE} --txnStrength {params.txnStrength} --minMapScore {params.minMapScore} --fracReadsInChrYForMale {params.fracReadsChrYMale} --maxFracGenomeSubclone {params.maxFracGenomeSubclone} --maxFracCNASubclone {params.maxFracCNASubclone} --plotFileType {params.plotFileType} --plotYLim \"{params.plotYlim}\" --outDir {params.outDir} > {log} 2> {log}"


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