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Plugins Create new Ginger plugin

Yaron Weiss edited this page Aug 10, 2018 · 5 revisions

Create new Ginger Plugin

In visual Studio Create a new project

Right Click on the solution and click add to source control

the output window should look like:

click 'GitHub' Publish tab

You should see

The new repository is now public on GitHub!

Creating the Plugin

Add Nuget Ginger.Plugin.Core

Add Service Class


Set assembly name Must end with .GingerPlugin.dll Example PACT.GingerPlugin.dll   Add Test project .NET Core MSTest

Set project properties


Add ref to the plugin

AppVeyor – configure build Add license Pack

Adding UI Add Ui project

Create Ginger.PluginPackage.json

Each Plugin package must have Ginger.PluginPackage.json in the root folder



  • Getting started
  • Workstation
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