David K. Shin Bryce M. Henson, Kieran F. Thomas
Magnetostatic field calculator for trapping neutral atoms
Status: This Code is ready to be used by experts, it is still in DEV. Comparative Unit Testing is implemented for most functions. Integration/system testing against analytical trap calculations is not implemented.
Multiple magnetic feild sources
- arbitrary path numeric solver
- loop (analytic)
- line (analytic)
- helix (numeric)
Trap Charaterization
- gradient decent to find the trap center.
- finds trap frequency
- Finds the trap depth via jacobian magnitude decent to find the critial points of the poential.
- 2d slice
- 3d potential
Traps implmeneted
git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 https://github.com/spicydonkey/hebec_mag_trap.git
then to update
git submodule update --remote --merge
contributors welcome! Drop me an email .
- Documentation
- fix trap depth caluclation to work in 3d
- implement flat spiral current source
- find the principle axes of the trap (dont just assume cartesian)
- implement other trap geometeries
- coherent output struct
- add in multiple potential sources
- gravity
- optical
- implement current helix
- build comparative test of sources
This project would not have been possible without the many open source tools that it is based on.
- John D'Errico Adaptive Robust Numerical Differentiation
- Ander Biguri Perceptually uniform colormaps
- *Georg Stillfried mArrow3.m - easy-to-use 3D arrow