This repository contains the official PyTorch implementation of "VNet: A GAN-based Multi-Tier Discriminator Network for Speech Synthesis Vocoders" Please cite [1] in your work when using this code in your experiments.
This repository builds on the codebase of BigVGAN.
Download the LibriTTS dataset here in advance.
Clone the repository and install dependencies.
# the codebase has been tested on Python 3.8 with PyTorch 1.13.0
pip install -r requirements.txt
Create symbolic link to the root of the dataset. The codebase uses filelist with the relative path from the dataset. Below are the example commands for LibriTTS dataset.
cd LibriTTS && \
ln -s /path/to/your/LibriTTS/train-clean-100 train-clean-100 && \
ln -s /path/to/your/LibriTTS/train-clean-360 train-clean-360 && \
ln -s /path/to/your/LibriTTS/train-other-500 train-other-500 && \
ln -s /path/to/your/LibriTTS/dev-clean dev-clean && \
ln -s /path/to/your/LibriTTS/dev-other dev-other && \
ln -s /path/to/your/LibriTTS/test-clean test-clean && \
ln -s /path/to/your/LibriTTS/test-other test-other && \
cd ..
Train VNet model. Below is an example command for training VNet using LibriTTS dataset at 24kHz with a full 100-band mel spectrogram as input.
python \
--config configs/vnet_24khz_100band.json \
--input_wavs_dir LibriTTS \
--input_training_file LibriTTS/train-full.txt \
--input_validation_file LibriTTS/val-full.txt \
--list_input_unseen_wavs_dir LibriTTS LibriTTS \
--list_input_unseen_validation_file LibriTTS/dev-clean.txt LibriTTS/dev-other.txt \
--checkpoint_path exp/vnet
We evaluated our VNet model as follows:
Generate and save audio samples after you finish model training. Below is an example command for generating and save audio samples for evaluation.
python \
--config configs/vnet_24khz_100band.json \
--input_wavs_dir LibriTTS \
--input_training_file LibriTTS/train-full.txt \
--input_validation_file LibriTTS/val-full.txt \
--list_input_unseen_wavs_dir LibriTTS LibriTTS \
--list_input_unseen_validation_file LibriTTS/dev-clean.txt LibriTTS/dev-other.txt \
--checkpoint_path exp/vnet \
--evaluate True \
--eval_subsample 1 \
--skip_seen True \
--save_audio True
Run the evaluation tool. It computes five objective metric scores: M-STFT, PESQ, MCD, Periodicity, and V/UV F1.
python \
../vnet/exp/vnet/samples/gt_unseen_LibriTTS-dev-clean ../vnet/exp/vnet/samples/unseen_LibriTTS-dev-clean_01000001 \
../vnet/exp/vnet/samples/gt_unseen_LibriTTS-dev-other ../vnet/exp/vnet/samples/unseen_LibriTTS-dev-other_01000001
It will take about an hour to complete an evaluation. Note that, when audio samples are generated and saved with
, it also outputs M-STFT and PESQ scores, but their values will be different from the output of
. This is due to 16-bit quantization for saving a sample as a wav file.
Synthesize from VNet model. Below is an example command for generating audio from the model.
It computes mel spectrograms using wav files from --input_wavs_dir
and saves the generated audio to --output_dir
python \
--checkpoint_file exp/vnet/g_01000000 \
--input_wavs_dir /path/to/your/input_wav \
--output_dir /path/to/your/output_wav
We provide pretrained checkpoints trained on the LibriTTS dataset here. You can download zip files, each of which contains checkpoints of a generator (e.g., g_01000000) and a discriminator (e.g., do_01000000).
Zip file name | # of training steps | M-STFT | PESQ | MCD | Periodicity | V/UV F1 |
vnet_01mstep |
1,000,000 | 0.7881 | 4.116 | 0.3381 | 0.0935 | 0.9635 |
vnet_10mstep |
10,000,000 | 0.7210 | 4.316 | 0.3065 | 0.0726 | 0.9729 |
The paper results are based on vnet_01mstep