This package is running with the NEURON simulation program version 8.2 available on internet at:
The package contains mechanisms (.mod files) and programs (.hoc files) needed to simulate excitatory and inhibitory events corresponding to:
Computational model of a motoneuron incorporating the 5-HT1a serotonin receptor and a presynaptic neuron that releases serotonin (5-HT) upon stimulation. The model aims to elucidate the role of serotonin in motor function and its impact on motoneuron excitability.
motor_unit.hoc : which in turn contains the following programs:
v_e_moto6_export.hoc : Anatomical data corresponding to a cat motoneuron (i.e., v_e_moto6), which is available in the public database (
add_hil_is.hoc : Geometry and connection of axonal hillock and initial segment
mem_mechanism_pass.hoc : Passive properties of the motoneuron model
mem_mechanism_acti.hoc : Active properties of the motoneuron model
neuro_transmitter.hoc : Detailed kinetic synapse mechanism
fixnseg.hoc : func lambda_f() { local i, x1, x2, d1, d2, lam
if (n3d() < 2) {
return 1e5*sqrt(diam/(4*PI*$1*Ra*cm))
add_pics_istim.hoc : Localization of intracellular stimulation at the soma and Ca-PIC channels over dendrites at the similar distance from the soma
CaL_PICs.hoc : Localization of synaptic inputs and Ca-PIC channels over dendrites at the similar distance from the soma
5ht1a.mod : 5-HT1a receptor
Ca_conc.mod : Calcium concentration
CaL.mod : L-type Calcium channel
caL3d.mod : high-threshold calcium current in the presynaptic terminal
CaN.mod : N-type Calcium channel
HH2.mod : Hippocampal HH channels
KCa.mod : Ca activated potassium channel
KDr.mod : Delayed rectifier potassium channel
mStepIClamp.mod : Point process for generation of multiple step currents at different amplitudes over time
Naf.mod : Fast Sodium Channel
Nap.mod : Persistent Sodium Channel
release.mod : kinetic model for the release of transmitter
To compile the demo, NEURON and INTERVIEWS must be installed and working on the machine you are using. Just type "nrnivmodl" to compile the mechanisms given in the mod files.
Then, execute the motor_unit.hoc program:
Once the menu and graphics interface has appeared, click on "File" and click on "load session" and select "". Finally click on "Init & Run" in "RunControl"
"""""5-HT1a receptors density:"""""
To modify density this receptor in initial segment, change in the "insert postsynaptic mechanisms" sections of "neurotransmitter.hoc" program.
objectvar c[500] <---- change to desired quantity
for i = 0, 499 { <---- desired quantity - 1 c[i] = new HTr1a() // create synapse is c[i].loc(0.5 + 0.001 * (i + 1)) // assign postsynaptic compartment setpointer c[i].C, PRE.T_rel(0.5) // assign presynaptic compartment
for i = 0, 499 { <---- desired quantity - 1
c[i].gmax = 0.0001 // (umho) maximum conductance
"""""5-HT concentration:"""""
To modify 5-HT concentration release, change in the "insert presynaptic mechanisms" sections of "neurotransmitter.hoc" program.
nt_rel = 10000 // 1000 // 100 // 10 // number of transmitter molecule per vesicle <---- change to desired quantity 10000 = 10 mM; 1000 = 1 mM; 100 = 0.1 mM; 10 = 0.01 mM
For more information about how to get NEURON and how to install it, please refer to the following sites: