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Torbjörn Klatt edited this page Feb 18, 2016 · 3 revisions

All files containing text must be saved with UTF-8 encoding!
Please, make sure this is the case whenever you edit and save a file.

Structure of Content Files

All content files (those, which are of type text/plain and have one of the following extensions: .md, .html, .bib) have a YAML front matter enclosed in two lines of three dashes.

This header provides all the basic meta information for the specific content, such as Title, Author, Creation Date, Date of Last Update, Rendering Template, etc.

The actual Markdown-formatted content follows after the header.

File Naming Conventions

Jekyll and its plugins we are using expect certain conventions with respect to filenames, file content and file formats.

This is just an overview of the most significant points. More details can be found in Basic Editing Knowledge and Editing Pages.


The file name must start with a date of the form YYYY-MM-DD followed by the title in lowercase and simple dashes as word separation. The following are valid file names:

And these are invalid file names:


Please, use the date of creation for news posts.

Events (past and upcoming)

Same rules apply as with news posts with the exception to use the event's start date as the date for its file name.