A python program that lets you build your own graphs and find the shortest path
In this python program you can create the roads network of a city that follows a rectangle street plan. The city's roads network can be seen as a graph, with the crossroads and roads juctions being the vertices of the graph and the roads being the edges of the graph. The edges are characterized by their cost, which can be a spatial or a time cost (you can add your own time weights). The important part is that you have to place an "ambulance" vertex, a "patient" vertex and a "hospital" vertex. Then you can find the shortest path from the "ambulance" to the "patient" and the shortest path from the "patient" to the "hospital". This is after all the main purpose of the app; to send the "patient" to the "hospital" as soon as possible. There is also a technical report, explaining the basics of the GUI and the theory behind the problem, but it is written exclusively in greek. Fortunately, inside the GUI there is an information box, where you will find usefull inforamtion that can help you during navigating the program.
Python libraries needed: tkinter, pillow, random, time, os, numpy, pymprog